Developing entrepreneurial attitudes and skills Sally Crathern General Adviser (14-19) 13th November 2010 Avisford Park Hotel
What is the point of school?
The business view CBI Education & Skills Survey 2010
An Enterprising Student Good decision maker Good communicator Quick thinking Unique Self-reliant Organised Prepared Uses initiative Not afraid to take risks Able to work under pressure Enjoys a challenge Confident Good at teamwork Committed Determined Creative
Key findings Young people are leaving school and college with serious weaknesses in their employability. Over half of employers (57%) are finding weaknesses in school leavers’ self-management skills – such as time management – and two thirds (68%) believe they have inadequate business and customer awareness A quarter of employers (24%) are dissatisfied with graduates’ problem-solving skills, and 26% with their self-management skills. CBI Education & Skills Survey 2010
Your School … To what extent do your own school priorities reflect those of the business community? Should the two be closer than they are now?
How can we close the gap? Two thirds of employers (65%) – rising to nearly three quarters of the largest employers (73%) – believe gaining practical experience is the most valuable step young people can take to improve their prospects. In their view, practical experience brings advantages that nothing else can match. Work experience placements are not the sole means of gaining experience, but for many young people they are a valuable starting point.
Enterprise activities in primary schools Outcomes: Advice Learning resources Teacher training Model & develop In Primary ……
In PRIMARY … Make existing topics/projects more enterprising and add rigour by including business concepts, financial literacy etc. Enterprise Capabilities Business & Economic Understanding Financial Capabilities Think CreativelyFind out about different working environmentManage Finances Decision Making, respect for evidence Understanding business issues e.g. conversation or managing scarce resources. Calculate costs of products, services & procedures. Put ideas into actionUnderstand company structureBuy goods Work to deadlinesFind out about different types of businessMake financial decisions Asses risk against rewardsUnderstand the local labour market Calculate payments, interest percentage increases ect. Try new ways to do things Understand what an employer looks for in an employee Understand financial terms and phrases Team WorkUnderstand the need to changeConsequences of debt. Effective communication and presentation skills Sell products and ideas to othersManage personal finance Organisation of tasks, time, resources Understand the leadership role & taking responsibility Take on a role and responsibilitiesProduction of goods Deal with change in a positive way, a can do attitude
In Primary …. On from 18 Nov: Enterprise guidance Teaching & learning resources for enterprise Case Studies
In Secondary …. –Work experience –Interview techniques & mock interviews –Careers speed dating –Enterprise events –Industry based challenges / problem solving –Visits to businesses –Speakers into schools
Where can we find support? Web based support: Helpful organisations: West Sussex Education Business Partnership: PfEG: Young Enterprise: STEM Sussex:
What can West Sussex Education Business Partnership offer? Free meetings with local EBP Co-ordinator to discuss possibilities Work experience Business links Support for running enterprise & employability projects / events Annual Skills fair WiseUp4Work
EBP contact details Work Experience – EBP Co-ordinators – Chichester district & Bognor: Littlehampton, Worthing & Adur: Horsham, Crawley & Mid Sussex: