Work Experience – 28 June 2011
What is Work Experience? An opportunity to work in a company or organisation in Jakarta After exams have finished 5 days Voluntary but highly recommended Unpaid Fun!
Why do Work Experience? What are the reasons for doing Work Experience? What can Work Experience offer that schools cannot? How can you ensure that you get the most from this opportunity? What do you hope to contribute? What do you hope to gain?
Dealing with expectations and problems Are there any potential problems with Work Experience? How will you cope if there are any problems? What do you think will be expected of you? Why is it important to give a good impression when on Work Experience?
5 Reasons for doing Work Experience 1.Get a taste of a future career 2.Find out about a new area or job 3.Experience the World of Work on a daily basis 4.Develop social and communication skills 5.Increase independence and self- confidence
5 More Reasons for doing Work Experience! 1.Get an insight into real adult life! 2.Enhance your CV and personal portfolio for university applications and interviews 3.Meet new people 4.Experience another side of Jakarta 5.Have fun and save money (it’s cheaper than Bali!)
How can PSHE help? Evaluate your qualities and skills Think about future career interests Consider your achievements so far Produce your own Curriculum Vitae/Résumé Adapt the introductory letter so it describes you ( useful for applying to universities later)
Preparing to write a CV Take some time before PSHE to think about the following. Jot down ideas on this sheet and bring to PSHE to help produce your own CV. Think about your personal profile: Who you are. Why you stand out. What makes you special. Where you come from. What you want people to know about you first. Skills: What are your skills? Secondary Education: List the schools you have attended since Year 7 and the dates Examination Subjects: What subjects are you taking in May/June? Achievements: Think about your achievements; sporting, music, academic, competitions, drama etc Future Plans: Think about what you want to study and where. What might you be interested in for a career? Hobbies and Interests: What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Are you in teams for sport? Are you a member of a choir or orchestra? What about drama?
How do I take part in Work Experience and get a placement? You already have the letter Discuss with parents Return completed form to your Tutor by Monday 21 March Send your CV and application letter to Mr Paterson – you will have a PSHE lesson on 30 th March to do this. The deadline for this is Friday 1 st April; this is when placements will begin to be allocated. Placements will be arranged by the end of term Make initial contact with employer in April and again in June just before you begin