Sport & Exercise Science – Year 1 Getting started with careers Ghislaine Dell, Careers Adviser
Purpose of the session To help you understand how to improve your employability to ensure you get a good job at the end of your degree To understand what skills employers look for in students and graduates during the recruitment process and how employers expect you to develop them To understand how the Careers Advisory Service can help you while you are at University.
Quote from Chief Exec of Association Graduate Recruiters: ‘Graduates must have the right aptitude, which partly comes down to the skills they can offer. If they concentrate purely on academic studies and have no work experience they will not impress the employer’. Google and the upside down CV Google first started out reading CVs the traditional way but after some research, they realised they were potentially missing lots of great talent by focusing all their attention on the usual suspects of academic achievements and credentials. They started reading CVs from the bottom up i.e. they started by looking at candidates interests and activities. By selecting out those with passion, initiative and drive for their interests or those with singular achievements they find they are finding a good fit for their organisation which values initiative and creativity.
1."Describe a time when you were working under pressure with competing deadlines and it was impossible to meet them all. What was the situation and what did you do?.“ 2."Tell us about an occasion when you had to communicate complex information. Why did you have to do this and how did you go about it? Did you achieve your desired result? “
What skills do employers look for? Each employer different but common skills sought are: Communications skills Team work skills Organisational skills or ability to prioritise Leadership (potential) Problem Solving or Analytical Skills (incl. Numeracy) Flexibility Initiative or Drive and Energy or “Can do” attitude
Club/Society Interests Work Experience Other Volunteering Sports Leading role? Active member? Organised an event? Do you compete? Do you organise? Do you coach? Do you play an instrument? Solo or in a group? Is there anything you make or fix or sell? Have you organised any fundraising? Have you supported other people? Who did you work for? What did you do? What skills? What are you most proud of? Where else have you made an impact and how?
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Success in applying for graduate jobs Success in applying for career related work experience = Developing skills through extra curricular activities and casual work combined with job research =
What have you already done? Discuss your activities from the last two to three years
Part time work Unpaid work experience Volunteering/Fundraising Coaching activities Sports Leader awards Other qualifications e.g. first aid Sports participation Other extra-curricular activities – clubs, societies, DoE, other challenges like half marathon Positions of responsibility e.g. course rep
Recognising the value in your activities E.g. Sports leader awards Often just listed as an activity But.… it required significant time commitment…..the level three certificate requires 107 hours of input And…. you will have demonstrated an excellent range of skills/attributes: leadership, the ability to motivate others, organisation and planning, enthusiasm, clear verbal communication
Thinking about a career think about what you want from a career Live to work or work to live, money, benefit to others etc think about the skills you have to offer. Use: or talk to people department, phone a friend, family, employers, careers fairs, careers advisers, Bath graduate contacts Gain work experience/work shadowing
Which skills and experiences do you need? Generic job profiles sm.jsp sm.jsp Look at job adverts/details Find relevant vacancy sources using links above Network/Talk to people Careers in Sport guide
Developing new experiences Different ways to get experience Work experience Placement/internships Work shadowing Networking/Talking to people Remember to keep details/records What can go in your CV?
Useful resources Application, CV and Cover Letter Guide Choosing a career Networking: Creative Job Search:
We advertise hundreds of vacancies each year on To log-in visit and use your BUCS username and Search for: Internships, vacation and other work experience Sandwich Placements Employer open days, courses, competitions Keep checking back as we update daily!
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Where can I find work experience Use MyFuture and our Work Experience Guide. Also research getting into specific areas – available on website (Catalogue Occupational Research) or ask for help at careers office. Use any contacts for help, advice or jobs – family, friends, contacts in department If you are going home check our website for information about looking locally and research big employers in the area. Check out local recruitment agencies. Some work experience opportunities may be gained through speculative applications. Also consider informational interviews or work shadowing.
First Year Get involved in university life Plan your vacations Use Careers Service Assess your skills and experiences Remedy any gaps in skills Voluntary work Part time jobs Middle Year(s) Research careers Go to Careers Fairs, talk to people Draw up CV, practice interview technique Apply for work experience schemes/ placements Final Year Have a timetable for recruitment for your chosen career Apply for jobs or course Meet employers at Careers Service events
Opening times and how to find us We are open Monday to Friday – during term time. We are located in Norwood House on the Parade, between the Library and the Students' Union. Careers Advisory Service Norwood House Come in and see us!
Thank you and any questions?