Engineering and Science Mike McGibbon Deborah Sims Mark Chapman Grahame Baker
Faculty Overview Key Principles Creating a three/four year transformative process Developing and polishing the Whole Person Making this a core part of the learning experience Engagement with Professional bodies: RSC, IET, etc. Employability administrator for Passport On-going challenges Change attitude of all academic staff members re employability skills development Increase number and range of placement opportunities Improving both numbers and quality of applications for placements Actions Staff development required to give all colleagues confidence to address personal student development issues Appointment of GRE relationship manager, and faculty employability administrator by Spring 2015 Modify the GEM tool to permit more explicit consideration of various forms of practical laboratory skills development common to Science and Engineering and re-run Introduction of new Engineering provision from September 2015
Pebbleplus and Employability Passport
Charlton Athletic FC and University of Greenwich Student Internship programme
Structured Internship Programme 3 levels – 1 for each year of degree Approx. 30 students over 3 year groups Each year builds on last to expand experience Able to jump to different levels depending on current experience Enhanced CV – improved chances of employability
2 pathways – Sport Science or Coaching Coaching – shadow coaches, learn the process Sport Science – monitoring of players, S & C Application of knowledge in a professional setting Need GPA of 60% to enter programme No automatic right to internship Driven by academic achievement
Employability journey LevelEvidence/Activities 4Intro to Profession Requirements of Employers Membership of professional bodies Pebbleplus PDP Portfolio Skills audits Numeracy and literacy, Punctuality 5Importance of relevant work experience Knowledge of the job market/ key employers Basic CV Pebbleplus PDP Application for sandwich placements/ structured work experience Driving licence etc. 6Targeted applications for graduate training schemes Health & Safety requirements Professional/ industry focussed CVs Pebbleplus PDP Web presence Assessment centres First aid qualifications CSCS or similar 7MSc level employmentMore specialised work experience
Level 4 students have to find a practicing civil engineer and arrange to interview them Level 6 students form small teams, make contact with a construction site manager and arrange a visit to inspect and report on H&S Level 7 students AGM SMT presentations; CEO, BDD, HRD, FD Civil Engineering
EECE Mock interview day (Mark Clements) worth scaling up to Faculty level. Further feedback available from Virtual Lab concept Embedded Internet Electronics students create personal web sites using Google Sites EECE – Mark Clements and Richard Seals
Annual Business Projects 2015 Event IT, Training Solutions, Sustainability, Medway Council Projects, Construction and Engineering, Consultancy and many others Students develop a wider understanding and knowledge of the business areas, employability and personal skills Past successes include – placement offers and opportunities – graduate employment – support of our employer contacts TME 1st and 2nd Years - Satya Shah
Embedding Employability in Engineering New programme provided a great opportunity Engineering programmes now have common level 4 Employability explicitly addressed at each level: Engineering Professional Skills 1 (level 4) Engineering Management (level 5) Engineering Professional Skills 2 (level 6) Positive implications for re-run of GEM exercise
Engineering Professional Skills 1 – Sept 2015 The key – get in early Employability linked to skills, knowledge and personal effectiveness Pebbleplus and employability passport CV and covering letter writing Communication and interpersonal skills Placement and job search “Real world” assessment via Engineers Without Borders Challenge.