Writing a Successful Personal Statement / College Essay
The Personal Statement Probably your one chance to impress Articulate your commitment to the course Assess your skills and abilities Focus on your aims and goals Organise your material - structure is important Sound interesting and interested! Make it personal!! - provide an insight into your mind and personality
Writing the UCAS Personal Statement: Subject Choice Why do YOU want to study the selected courses? Do you fully understand what the subject entails? How do your current studies relate to your choices? Describe how you have “gone the extra mile”?
Motivation and Commitment to the course: Evidence of genuine enthusiasm for the subject is crucial wider reading intelligent comments about IB topics studied evidence of breadth or depth of interests within the subject insights into the value of studying that subject.
My first exposure to recent Chinese history and culture was through books such as “Wild Swans” and “The Good Women of China”. I was truly fascinated by the progression of communism in China and how this affected the general population. I started reading more factual historical books and have recently become engrossed in “The Search for Modern China” by J. Spence. I have also been reading newspaper reports regarding China’s economic development. Beijing will be hosting the Olympics while I am a student and I am keen to observe the changes it brings about and also to compare the approaches taken by the Chinese and the British as both prepare to host this prestigious event. Chinese Studies
I have chosen to study social sciences as a result of my long held interest in the way in which societies work. I am fascinated by sociology currently being interested in the conflict theorists especially Marx; also the supposed conflict between the sexes proposed by the feminist sociologists. To explore this further I recently conducted a survey into the gender dynamics in a situation that required small group teamwork and leadership as part of a history research project into local emigration………… Social Sciences
Writing the UCAS Personal Statement: Work Experience & Core Skills Provide evidence that you understand the career implications of your choice. Detail any employment placements or work experience. Explain which aspects appealed most. Describe the knowledge, skills or understanding that you gained. Emphasise the core skills that you developed.
Writing the UCAS Personal Statement: Personal Qualities and Achievements Demonstrate that you are an all- round achiever with the ability to contribute to university life. Describe any additional achievements or qualifications gained and identify positions of leadership or responsibility that you have held. Relate your achievements to how they will contribute to your success on the course.
I have researched the medical profession through one week's work experience at the local hospital and a residential week with a local GP. As a result of this, I was recommended by the GP to a local surgeon with whom I will job-shadow in the near future. I was able to witness first-hand how medicine benefits people. My long-standing desire to study medicine was further confirmed when I spent one month working in an Infirmary, gaining a real feel for the challenges of hospital life. I attended the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons for a day which developed my understanding of a medical career. I have been participating in a Surgical Skills competition this term, and have qualified for the quarter -final round. I am also arranging to do one week's work experience at another hospital, spending time in different departments. Medicine
During this past year at school I have taken on various responsibilities, all of which I feel have added to my skills. I am a buddy to the first years and every week I have to do their registration which has improved my public speaking skills as well as my inter- personal skills with those younger than me. I do paired reading with a younger pupil twice a week which I find very rewarding as I am able to watch him gain confidence in his reading. Finally, I am a co- editor of the school magazine. I am finding this to be quite challenging, especially to fit in with all my schoolwork, but it is proving to be very enjoyable and a test to my organisation abilities. I spent this summer working in a small souvenir shop which I feel has helped increase my confidence and communication skills as I had the opportunity to speak to customers who came from all over the world.
Playing rugby from a very early age has given me great self- motivation. I continue to play at a high standard and recently won an international tournament with my current club. I have also played for the district team. I also swim, play football and badminton. My sporting experiences have given me self- confidence and a desire to succeed at whatever I do. I really hope to continue to play sports while attending university and ideally would like to become involved in the University rugby club.
“When faced with so many high-flying applicants it is very much the individualism of the personal statement that finally leads us to select candidates…” “With 17 applications per place the student needs to convince me in the personal statement why they should have one of those places” The Admissions Tutor Speaks:
Recipe for a personal statement 70% course and motivation 30% about you If the applicant isn’t from the UK, add a few sentences to the application: “WHY UK?” Remember, you only have 4000 characters to make an impression!