Job Services Australia Inter-American Development Bank 12-13 November 2009 Washington DC.


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Presentation transcript:

Job Services Australia Inter-American Development Bank November 2009 Washington DC

Outline of today’s presentation Current Labour Market situation in Australia Overview of Job Services Australia Services for People with Disability Additional Assistance and Training

The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate has increased from a low of 3.9% in February 2008 to 5.7% in September 2009 The Australian economy has performed better than most developed economies in the face of the global recession Source: ABS Labour Force, Australia, September 2009 (cat. no ). The unemployment rate is forecast to rise to 6¾ percent by the June quarter 2010

Source: Keep Australia Working (GDP growth – Year to June Qtr 2009) Australia is the strongest performing of all advanced economies (GDP growth – Year to June Qtr 2009

Effectiveness of Australia’s fiscal stimulus measures Source: Keep Australia Working

Effectiveness of Australia’s fiscal stimulus measures Source: Australian Government, Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook , p. 13 Unemployment is expected to peak at around 1½ percentage points lower than it would have in the absence of fiscal stimulus

Employment services in Australia, a little history… : Commonwealth Employment Service (CES) - Government run PES : established Centrelink and tendered for Job Network 2008: Review of Employment Services 2009: 1 July - Implementation of Job Services Australia

Cost per Employment Outcome ($) has decreased since the introduction of Job Network in Jul-91 Jan-92 Jul-92 Jan-93 Jul-93 Jan-94 Jul-94 Jan-95 Jul-95 Jan-96 Jul-96 Jan-97 Jul-97 Jan-98 Jul-98 Jan-99 Jul-99 Jan-00 Jul-00 Jan-01 Jul-01 Jan-02 Jul-02 Jan-03 Jul-03 Jan-04 Jul-04 Jan-05 Jul-05 Jan-06 Jul-06 Jan-07 Jul-07 Jan-08 Source: DEEWR administrative systems and post-Program Monitoring Survey

Overview of Job Services Australia

The Australian Government’s Social Inclusion agenda helped inform the review of employment services More needed to be done to assist the most disadvantaged job seekers find sustainable employment. The review of employment services was guided by principles such as: Early intervention tailored to job seeker needs; Job seekers who are struggling the most get the most intensive assistance; An increased emphasis on skills training; and Minimising administrative “red tape”

Providers have the flexibility to develop individually tailored assistance based on the job seeker’s level of disadvantage $4.9 billion over 3 years from 1 July 2009 Integrated services “Free” accredited training places No waiting for services – demand driven Four employment assistance streams based on job seeker needs

Overview of the Model JOB SERVICES AUSTRALIA STREAM 1 JSCI Score: % job seekers STREAM 3 JSCI Score: % 28% job seekers STREAM 4 Referral from JCA 14% job seekers WORK EXPERIENCE Job Seeker Centrelink JSCI/JCA Disability Employment Services STREAM 2 JSCI Score: % job seekers Disadvantaged Job SeekersWork Ready

Job Seeker Classification Instrument (JSCI) The JSCI is a sophisticated profiling tool to classify job seekers according to their level of disadvantage in the labour market. It determines which stream job seekers enter. There are 18 JSCI factors: Geographic Proximity to a Labour Market Access to Transport Phone Contactability Disability/Medical Conditions Stability of Residence Living Arrangements Ex-offender Status Personal Characteristics Age and Gender Recency of Work Experience Job Seeker History Educational Attainment Vocational Qualifications English Proficiency Country of Birth Indigenous Status Indigenous Location

Job Capacity Assessment (JCA) JCA identifies appropriate services for people with disabilities, special needs or other personal factors. Depending on the results of the JCA, job seekers may be referred to Stream 4 services, or other forms of assistance such as Disability Employment Services.

JOB SERVICES AUSTRALIA STREAM 1 JSCI Score: % new job seekers STREAM 3 JSCI Score: % new job seekers STREAM 4 Referral from JCA 15% new job seekers WORK EXPERIENCE Job Seeker Centrelink JSCI/JCA Disability Employment Services STREAM 2 JSCI Score: % new job seekers Disadvantaged Job SeekersWork Ready Job Services Australia

JOB SERVICES AUSTRALIA STREAM 1 JSCI Score: % new job seekers STREAM 3 JSCI Score: % new job seekers STREAM 4 Referral from JCA 15% new job seekers WORK EXPERIENCE Job Seeker Centrelink JSCI/JCA Disability Employment Services STREAM 2 JSCI Score: % new job seekers Disadvantaged Job SeekersWork Ready Job Services Australia

JOB SERVICES AUSTRALIA STREAM 1 JSCI Score: % new job seekers STREAM 3 JSCI Score: % new job seekers STREAM 4 Referral from JCA 15% new job seekers WORK EXPERIENCE Job Seeker Centrelink JSCI/JCA Disability Employment Services STREAM 2 JSCI Score: % new job seekers Disadvantaged Job SeekersWork Ready Job Services Australia

JOB SERVICES AUSTRALIA STREAM 1 JSCI Score: % new job seekers STREAM 3 JSCI Score: % new job seekers STREAM 4 Referral from JCA 15% new job seekers WORK EXPERIENCE Job Seeker Centrelink JSCI/JCA Disability Employment Services STREAM 2 JSCI Score: % new job seekers Disadvantaged Job SeekersWork Ready Job Services Australia

JOB SERVICES AUSTRALIA STREAM 1 JSCI Score: % new job seekers STREAM 3 JSCI Score: % new job seekers STREAM 4 Referral from JCA 15% new job seekers WORK EXPERIENCE Job Seeker Centrelink JSCI/JCA Disability Employment Services STREAM 2 JSCI Score: % new job seekers Disadvantaged Job SeekersWork Ready Job Services Australia

Work Experience Activities Greater flexibility in the range of activities available to be tailored to meet the job seeker’s needs and the way in which these activities can be combined. Activities include: Work for the Dole, Green Corps, Voluntary Work, part-time study or part-time work, unpaid work experience placements, Defence Force Reserves, other government programs and participation in non-vocational programs and services (where appropriate)

an Employment Pathway Plan an Employment Pathway Fund “free” training places providers rewarded for working closely with employers a $41 million Innovation Fund Features of Job Services Australia include:

Job Services Australia can respond to changing labour market conditions Demand driven Balance between service fees and outcomes fees Potential for contract variations Price incentives Technology that facilitates responsiveness

Performance Management Framework Star Ratings 5 ratings bands Provider ratings account for differences in caseload and labour market conditions The number of factors within the regression model is the minimum necessary to enable valid comparisons to be made Distribution of ratings not fixed

Performance Management Framework Publication of Ratings First ratings will be published in June 2010 Site and Employment Service Area (ESA) level ratings Overall and individual Stream ratings Provider Outlet ratings released publicly every 6 months Ratings calculated every 3 months and all provider Outlet and ESA ratings released on the Secure Site for information of providers Providers’ National Percentile Ranks available every 3 months

Compliance Regime Differentiates between a job seeker intentionally not meeting their obligations and a job seeker who is experiencing exceptional circumstances. Providers report non compliance to Centrelink Automatic triggers for Comprehensive Compliance Assessment 3 No Show No Pay failures or 3 failures for missed appointments within six months If wilful non-compliance then 8 weeks non-payment period unless job seeker re-engages

Job Placements job placements between July and October 2009 Source: DEEWR administrative data

Job Services Australia Services and Sites 115 Job Services Australia and 2184 sites 61 specialist providers offer 76 specialist services: 1 - Blind and Vision Impaired 7 - Culturally-Linguistically Diverse Migrants and Refugees 4 - Ex-Offenders 5 - Homeless or at Risk of Homelessness 29 - Indigenous Australians 2 - Mental Health 16 - People With Disability 12 - Youth at Risk

Services for people with disability Workplace Modifications Supported Wage System Wage Subsidy Scheme Auslan for Employment JobAccess

New Disability Employment Services Centrelink Registration JSCI/JCA Program AProgram B For job seekers with disability, injury or ill health For job seekers with permanent disability plus long term ongoing support Single funding levelFunding level 1 Funding level 2 For people requiring more intensive support Flexible ongoing support or exit independent worker Moderate Ongoing Support High Ongoing Support Employer Incentives Scheme Employment Pathway Plan

Additional Assistance and Training: Securing Apprenticeships $9.7 million to assist apprentices and trainees who have lost their jobs continue with their qualification. Wage subsidy and completion bonus to employ out-of-trade apprentices or trainees. $3.8 billion over four years to streamline the Australian Apprenticeships Incentive Program 5500 pre-vocational training and support places for vulnerable job seekers $100 million to support young Australians entering traditional trades this summer

Additional Assistance and Training: Securing Apprenticeships $9.7 million to assist apprentices and trainees who have lost their jobs continue with their qualification. Wage subsidy and completion bonus to employ out-of-trade apprentices or trainees. $3.8 billion over four years to streamline the Australian Apprenticeships Incentive Program 5500 pre-vocational training and support places for vulnerable job seekers $100 million to support young Australians entering traditional trades this summer

Regional unemployment rate disparity

$650 million Jobs Fund 20 Priority Employment Areas $20 million Local Employment Coordinators Maximise the impact of the Government’s economic stimulus in 20 Priority Employment Areas Establish and work with advisory committees to develop regional employment plans Find new job opportunities and provide support for workers who have lost their jobs Additional Assistance and Training: Local Communities

Additional Assistance and Training: Youth Lift Year 12 or equivalent attainment rate to 90 per cent by 2015 Every young Australian under 25 given a school, apprenticeship, training or higher education place. Education and training most important precondition for income support for under 21 year olds

Thank you Any Questions?