Abraham Gen
Intro…Noah’s Descendants Shem’s descendants made up Asia. Shem means “name.” These groups include Persians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Lydians, and Syrians. They were know for their religious zeal. Ham’s descendants made up Africa. Ham mean’s “hot” or “black.” These groups include the Ethiopians, Egyptians, Libyans, and Canaanites. They were known for their physical endurance. (Ham was cursed because he saw his father naked.) Japheth’s descendants made up Europe. Japheth means “God will enlarge.” They were Caucasian and known for their intellectual activity. These groups include Scythians, Medes, Greeks, Turks, Slavs, and Etruscans.
ABRAHAM GROUP ASSIGNMENT 1. Tower of Babel (Gen. 11:1-9) and Abram’s Genealogy (Gen. 11:10-32) 2. God’s promise to Abram (Gen. 12:1-9) and Abram in Egypt (Gen. 12:10-20) 3. Abram and Lot (Gen. 13) and Abram Rescues Lot (Gen.14) 4. God Promises a Son to Abram (Gen. 15) 5. Hagar and Ishmael (Gen. 16) 6. God’s Covenant with Abram (Gen. 17) and The Three Visitors (Gen. 18:1-15) 7. Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen. 18:16-33) and Lot and His Wife (Gen. 19:1-29) 8. Lot and His Daughters (Gen. 19:30-38) and Abraham and Abimelech (Gen. 20)
Group Assignment Requirements: 1. Read the assigned scripture. 2. Summarize what happens. One person needs to write it down. Put both of your names at the top of the paper. 3. Under the summary, describe how God worked in the lives of the people in the story. Did they learn anything? Were they punished? 4. You might have to read prior scripture to understand your passage. Use commentary on the passage to help in your explanation. 5. One person must read the summary to the class. You will turn in the summary for a grade.
The Tower of Babel Gen. 11:1-9 (Read) World had one language People wanted to build a tower to heaven to make a name for themselves. Nimrod – Son of Ham who was in charge of building the city and the Tower of Babel The field of Shinar, in which the Tower of Babel was built, will also be the site of Babylon in Rev. 17 and 18. Gen. 11:4 – Tower had its “top in the heavens” or “topped with the heavens” – Tower was topped with pictures of constellations.
Tower of Babel – continued… The city and the Tower of Babel represented two new types of world systems: religious and political. God was displeased and scattered them and confused their language. v. 7 (us = trinity) Tower of Babel as a symbol in life…identity in things instead of God…
Abram Gen. 11:10-32 (Don’t read) Genealogy of Shem … Abram was a descendant of Shem. Abram married Sarai, who was barren. Abram’s father, Terah took his son, Abram, his grandson, Lot, and Sarai from Ur to Canaan, but when they came to Haran, they settled there. So Lot was Abram’s nephew. Jesus was a descendant of Abram.
God’s promise to Abram Gen. 12:1-9 (Read) God told Abram to take his family and leave Haran. Abram immediately obeyed. God’s promise: 1) great nation 2) great name 3) will be blessed 4) enemies will be cursed One condition…Abram had to obey God. Abram and his family set out for Canaan.
Abram in Egypt Gen. 12:10-20 (Read) Due to famine, Abram went to Egypt…test of Abram’s faith. Abram was afraid that the Egyptians would kill him for his wife, Sarai. So he told her to lie and say that she was his sister. In truth, she was his half-sister. The Egyptians took her in and treated Abram well. God inflicted diseases on Pharaoh because of this. Pharaoh found out and sent them away.
Abram and Lot Gen. 13 (Read) Abram and Lot eventually went to Bethel. Abram and Lot – wealthy…land no sufficient to support both men’s herds…their men began arguing; therefore, Abram said they should separate. Lot chose the best land to the east – Jordan. Abram – Canaan – near Sodom – people there were wicked. Abram older – solves family conflict…Is it worth it? God’s new covenant with Abram: (Gen. 13:14-17) 1) Great land 2) Many offspring…metaphor – dust of the earth
Abram and Lot Video… Abram and Lot (4 min.) Abram and Lot
Abram Rescues Lot Gen.14 (Don’t read) Some kings were in battle, and Lot was taken prisoner. Abram rescued him. The King of Sodom and Melchizedek, King of Salem, praised Abram. Melchizedek was a God-fearing king…”king of righteousness” and “king of peace” Abram gave Melchizedek 10% of his war spoils as was custom.
Abram Rescues Lot Video… Abram Rescues Lot Video (4 min.) Abram Rescues Lot Video
God Promises a Son to Abram… Gen. 15 (Read) Abrahamic Covenant: Offspring will be great in number…greater than the stars…metaphor. Abram was asleep! God – form of burning fire, passed between the sacrificed animals.
Hagar and Ishmael Gen. 16 (Read) Sarai was barren (very embarrassing back then) and sent her servant Hagar to Abram to conceive. This was custom. Abram agreed, showing lack of faith and impatience. We sometimes take matters into our own hands instead of having faith. She became pregnant, and her relationship with Sarai dissolved. Hagar left. An angel spoke to her, telling her she will have a son, Ishmael, who sill have many descendants. He will be wild and hated by many.
Confirmation of God’s Covenant with Abram Gen. 17 (Read) 1. Father of many nations 2. Name will be Abraham 3. Kings as descendants 4. Everlasting covenant 5. Land of Canaan will be Abraham’s descendants 6. Sarai’s name will be Sarah 7. Sarah will have a son – Isaac – covenant fulfilled through him 8. Ishmael will have many descendants and be the father of 12 rulers…12 Tribes of Israel
Abraham’s End of the Bargain… He and all of his descendants and servants will be circumcised. Abraham questions God…v. 17… about his age – 100 years old.
The Three Visitors Gen. 18:1-15 (Read) Abraham showed great care for the three strangers…treat others as if you were doing it for God…Lot even bowed down to them. Sarah overheard from the strangers that she would have a child….her response…laughter – age…Is anything too hard for God? When questioned, Sarah lies…first response.
Sodom and Gomorrah Gen. 18:16-33 and Gen. 19:1-29 (Read) Sodom was given a chance to repent. (Sodom was an advanced civilization…just sinfully wicked.) Abraham bargained with God and God was merciful…Final offer: save Sodom if 10 are righteous. In this story, 2 characteristics of God are shown: patience and fierce anger.
Sodom and Gomorrah….continued God will destroy Gomorrah but spare Lot and his family. As Lot flees, they are told not to look back. Lot’s wife did and was turned to a pillar of salt…Clinging to the past…can’t let go.
Lot and His Wife Video Lot and His Wife (3 min.) Lot and His Wife
Lot and His Daughters Gen. 19:30-38 (Read) Lot’s daughters decided to carry on the family line with their father because they couldn’t find husbands. They both got pregnant after they got their father drunk. Sons – Moah, father of the Moabites and Ben- Ammi, father of the Amonites We try to work out things in our way instead of God’s way…patience.
Abraham and Abimelech Gen. 20 (Read) Abraham moved into the region of Negev. He lied again about his wife being his sister. He couldn’t trust God. King Abimelech took her. God warned the king in a dream, and he returned Sarah to Abraham and gave him presents.
The Story of Abraham Abraham Movie (3 hrs.) Abraham Movie Abraham (2 min.) Abraham