Ancient Greece
Geography Shapes Greek Life Did not live “on land” but “around the sea” The seas around Greece provided important transportation routes ¾ of the land was mountainous, thus dividing the regions in Greece Moderate temperature supported outdoor life
Mycenaean Civilization Develops Nobles had large homes, with splendid interiors Invaded Crete against Minoans Saw the importance of sea trade Minoan legacy survived in the form of Greek Legends The “Trojan war” over Helen was probably not true, however there was a war, and Troy was a real city. The war was probably over maritime trading route
Greek Culture under Dorians Greek Culture under Dorian rule declined During this time ( BCE) Greeks did not write any records As a result little is known today about this time
Greek Epics and Legends Homer penned Iliad and Odyssey between 750 and 700 BCE Greeks developed a rich set of myths or traditional stories about their gods. Through myths, Greeks attempted to understand mysteries of nature and power of human passions Gods had similar human emotions and actions
Warring City States (Rule in the City- States) Polis- City-State Small ( square miles of territory) Often home to fewer than 20,000 residents Agora (public center) or the Acropolis (fortified hilltop) Place where males conducted official business
Greek Political Structures Some City-States adopted monarchy Some had an aristocracy Ruled by a small group of noble, land owning families Some developed an oligarchy Ruled by a few powerful people (land owning or not) Begin to see the beginning of the idea of representative government form
New Armies and Tyrants Seizing Power The innovation of Iron allowed for cheaper weapons to be made, and as a result, more people in the army Phalanx- military technique that formed soldiers into a unit, rather than individuals Tyrants seized power of some city- states and as a result caused a lot of upheaval. Sparta and Athens begin to form different ways of governing