animals Презентацию подготовила Новрузян Кристине Альбертовна, учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ №10 Республика Татарстан, г.Набережные Челны. New Millennium ENGLISH 5 UNIT 5 Обобщение темы по Сингапурской методике
words -butterflies -Polar bears -ants -seals -ladybirds -swans -squirrels - hedgehogs - foxes - rhinos -tigers -stork -lions -crocodiles -kangaroos -helpful -dolphins -attentive
Stir the Class!!! Write down the words about animals. Add the words you missed. (30sec.) (1minute)
Let’s check our homework. Make Sentences.
Card1(Rally robbin) 1.Сhoose the odd one. 1.wolf, fox, river, squirrel. 2.ant, lake, grasshopper, dragonfly. 3.hive, kennel, web, catch 4.loving, attentive, sharp, helpful (I think the odd one is….)
It’s time to play! A Chain Game!
workbook Page 38,№ 1
Homework. “My favorite pet (animal)”.
Read. 1. -The squirrel uses its legs to jump. 2. -The fox uses its legs to run fast. 3.-The monkey uses its arms to climb trees. 4. -The tiger uses its teeth to eat food.
Билетик на выход! The observation sheet.