Michigan State University’s Collaborative Approach to Contain Health Care Costs: The Involvement of the Broad MSU Community of Stakeholders Theodore H. Curry II Associate Provost and Associate Vice President Academic Human Resources
Michigan State University has taken a proactive approach of working with all employee groups on health care quality and cost issues – those represented and those who are not.
Faculty and Academic Staff of MSU are Non-Represented Tenure-system Faculty Fixed-term Faculty Librarians Academic Specialists – teaching, research, outreach, advising, curriculum development Research Associates Other – Coaches, Executive Managers
To Ensure Broad Involvement and High Quality Input Academic Governance University Committee on Faculty Affairs (UCFA) Academic Specialists Advisory Committee Health Care Options Task Force Health Care Strategy Advisory Committee
UCFA Health Care Options Task Force: Committee chair and chair of budget sub-committee, plus faculty members with health care-related expertise from: –Psychology –Kinesiology –Supply Chain Management –Pediatrics –Labor and Industrial Relations –Economics –Nursing –Accounting and Information Systems
Health Care Options Task Force Recommended strategies: Identify best-practice models to achieve optimal health outcomes, including incentives for both consumers and providers Focus on a benefit structure guided by the best scientific evidence Pursue strong case management for consumers with chronic diseases MSU should take a strong proactive role in investigating, testing, and evaluating alternative programs that promote positive effects on health status and promote cost containment Ongoing involvement of UCFA in the process
The Health Care Strategy Advisory Committee (HCSAC) Purpose: To analyze data related to health care costs and explore options for containing those costs in ways that maintain access to high-quality health care for faculty, staff, and retirees.
Joint Health Care Committee The JHCC meets monthly during the term of the MSU/Coalition Health Care Agreement to continue collaboratively analyzing the healthcare challenge from a variety of perspectives, explore potential solutions and continuously share information with the University community. Intended outcomes of this approach are:
Joint Health Care Committee Objectives Help unionized staff understand the challenge and commit to developing successful solutions together. Expose unionized staff to a regular flow of information on progress made in analyzing the problem. Give unionized staff regular opportunities to react to information and vehicles in which to contribute their ideas for consideration. Engage other University “influencer” groups in helping the general University population understand and respond to the challenge. Generate ideas, information and recommendations on ways MSU could address rising costs and better support employee health.
JHCC Membership The Joint Health Care Committee is made up of representatives from Human Resources and the following labor organizations: Administrative Professional Association, MEA/NEA Administrative Professional Supervisors Association Clerical-Technical Union Fraternal Order of Police – FOP, Lodge 141 – Non-Supervisory Fraternal Order of Police – FOP, Lodge 141 – Sergeants IATSE, Local 274 IUOE, Local 547 Local 999, Council 25, AFSCME AFSCME Local 1585, AFL-CIO The Graduate Education Association (graduate teaching assistants) is not included