WELCOME! What Every Senior Parent Should Know
Take a Moment to Think About…. *One thought you have about your senior applying to college… *One concern/comment you would voice about paying for college… *One thing that you would say to your senior about college…
After today, you will know more about….. 1.College applications, deadlines & selection 2.Transcripts & ACT scores 3.Preview - Paying for college 4.Graduation requirements 5.Cap & gown ordering, senior pictures, graduation *Format & Disclaimer*
Some Insight Thoughts about after high school… Thoughts about applying to college… Thoughts about paying for college… What would you say to your parents? Do you have a “go to” adult in the building?
Which of the following best describes you in regard to the college selection process: 95 RespondersPercent I don’t even know where to start.14% I am in the process of researching, but I have not applied to a college yet. 70% I am in the process of researching, have applied to at least one college, but may apply to more. 13% I have been accepted to at least one college, but not sure where I will be attending. 3% I have researched, applied, and selected which college I will be attending. 0%
Which of the following best describes you in regard to paying for college: # of Students I have no idea how I am going to pay for college. 50 I have a pretty good understanding of FAFSA and financial aid. 25 My parents and I have completed the 2015 FAFSA. 4 I have applied for at least one scholarship.2 I know where to find info about local scholarships, applications, and deadlines. 8 My parents and I have a plan for paying for college. 23
There is at least one adult in this building who I would go to for help with a personal problem/issue. TRUE 91 Students FALSE 4 Students
If there was one thing you would say to your parents about college… How much can we afford? I don’t know if I want to go to college. At least not right now. Please don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. I am nervous about the transition from high school to college. What do YOU want me to do? I want something close to home. I want to be as far away as possible.
If there was one thing you would say to your parents about college… I have no idea what I'm doing, and neither do you guys, but we will get through it together. Respect my opinions and decisions, even if you don't like a school that I like. Thank you for supporting me already in everything I have done to make my future plans. I hope I can make you proud in whatever decision I make. Help!
The College Selection Process Researching Applying Researching Selecting Transitioning
4 Simple Ways to Research a College 1. Spend time on a school’s admission website. 2. Schedule a college visit (GO THERE). 3. Talk to current students/parents – What do they like /dislike – Why they ultimately selected that college – What would they change if they could about their college.
4. Meet w/ a college rep at MHS. Oct 16 - Ferris, Grand Valley Oct 20 – Baker, EMU, Marygrove, Navy, Marines Oct 21 – U of M, CMU, WCC, Findlay, Adrian College & Siena Heights Oct 22 – Lake State, Michigan Tech, NMU, WMU MSU….
What Are My Chances of Getting In? Reach School – Dream school that you would love to attend – GPA/Test scores might be low for admissions Match School – GPA/Test scores fall in the 50% range Back Up – Your “Plan C, D, or E”
College Board Average ACT score in Michigan = 21 Average ACT score Class of 2015 = 22 Median GPA = 3.3 Let’s just say…..22 ACT & 3.3 GPA
Don’t Be That Guy…. 29, 3.7
APPLYING TO COLLEGES Admissions Options Early Decision Early Action Rolling/Regular Admission Open Admission
Early Decision You can apply to only 1 ED college. If the college accepts you and offers you a “suitable” financial aid package, you must go to that college. Although you may apply to additional colleges through the regular admission process, you must withdraw all other applications if you’re accepted by this college. (Cornell, Princeton, NYU, Syracuse, Boston U)
Early Action You can apply to as many early action colleges as you’d like. If you're accepted, you can say yes right away or wait until spring to decide. You can also decline the offer.
Rolling/Regular Admission Large window of time during which they can apply. Application opens in the early fall, and it may continue right through the summer. Accepts applications for as long as spaces are available. Applying early improves an applicant's chance of being accepted. Also, while there may be no application deadline, there typically are deadlines for scholarships, financial aid and housing. A late application may make it impossible to get any decent financial aid.
Open Enrollment Accepts all applicants GPA/and or test scores may direct class offerings. Apply by January
Dates & Deadlines Apply early in the fall for selective schools – November 1 - Early Action Deadline Think mid October MSU (October 11 th for Early Notification Program) U of M Any Private School Any Out-of-State School All parts of application must be received by deadline
Don’t Be These Guys But I did my part…..
Dates & Deadlines Apply in the fall for less selective schools – February 1 - Regular Admission Deadline Think mid January I prefer all students have applications done by late fall. All parts of application must be received by deadline
How Do I Apply for College? Online – Admissions page – Able to save – Seal of Approval – Submit payment – Send transcripts – 24 seniors
ACT scores MUST be sent directly from ACT
Albion Alma Calvin Hillsdale Hope Kalamazoo Kettering Lawrence Tech University of Michigan
1. Application Demographics, Essay, Activities/Involvement, Senior Schedule 2. University Supplement More demographics, essay 3. Teacher Letter of Rec 4. Counselor Letter of Rec 5. ACT Scores (sent directly from ACT) 6. High School Transcript All must be received by university by Nov 1
Don’t Be “That Girl!” Everyone else has heard….
Application Etiquette/Tips Personal vs. Professional Capitalizing & Formal language Using your full, legal name Passwords – keep ‘em! – Biggest time waster known to mankind.
College Essays Purpose: – To bring another dimension of you to your app. – To show who you are, what you think about, what you see as your place in the world/on this campus.
Examples of Essay Topics Describe an experience, passion, or characteristic that illustrates what you would contribute to the MSU community and how this will add to the overall richness of campus life. Discuss an accomplishment or event that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood.
More Essay Examples Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. Why this college? Describe an experience from the past two years which required you to interact with someone outside of your own social or cultural group. Tell us about Wednesday.
College Essay Tips Avoid the 3 D’s (dating, drugs, divorce) Don’t be a comedian Avoid controversial topics Don’t list your accomplishments Don’t write what you think colleges want to hear Be mindful of word limits Don’t submit…let it sit. Have others read it before submitting.
Letters of Recommendation Teacher letters vs. Counselor Letters Ask Early (takes 5 to 10 school days) Use Forms and provide helpful info Letters are for colleges, not for students Not all schools require.
Once Application is Submitted Send ACT scores directly from (if necessary) – PARENT TEST Request to have transcripts sent to school –
What Then? May 1 - “Decision Day” Wear your swag Deposit to College Due Maintain your schedule Maintain your grades
Don’t Be “That Guy!”
Dear Student, The Office of Undergraduate Admissions has received your final transcript and has noted the decline in your senior year grades. When we granted you admission, our expectation was that you would maintain the quality of your academic work throughout your senior year. This was stated in your letter of admission.
….continued We have forwarded your high school transcript to the College of xxx with an accompanying letter noting this decline in grades. We will contact within seven calendar days to notify you whether or not your admission to the University of xxx has been approved or revoked.
Not Every Kid is Going to College That’s fine….but they still need a plan. Washtenaw Community College Heath Care Jobs – October 1, a.m. ASVAB Test - November 5 th Job shadow, applications Co-op
Paying For College Paying for College Night Thursday, December 11, :00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Paying for College Day – Friday, December 12, 2014 – 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. FAFSA – Available Jan 1,2015 – Due March 1, 2015 Scholarships – Local Scholarships available online March 1, 2015 – Due to the Guidance Office on March 27, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. Grants, Loans, Work Study The Manchester Gap Scholarship WCC Scholarship
Graduation Requirements 25 needed to graduate – Reduced by one credit each year for consortium students 4 English 4 Math 3 Science 3 Social Studies 1 Fine Art 1 Phys Ed ½ Business Tech ½ Health
Graduation Info Grade Practice – – May 1:00 p.m. Graduation – May 2:00 p.m. No tickets needed May 8 – Graduation Information Forms Due Cap & Gowns ordered on Nov 5 & 6 Can re-use (order tassel)
Senior Picture Info In order to be pictured in the yearbook, and in the class composite, students need to contact Mary Bortmas ASAP to schedule an appt for a “head shot.” Deadline is Jan 10, but sessions are limited
Unforgettable Photos will be at MHS Delayed Starts – Oct 15 – Nov 19 – Dec 17 – Nov 6 th 1:00 – 8:00 p.m. – MAKE APPOINTMENT and/or Provide Feedback: (734)
My Thoughts….. My goal for your senior: My promise for your senior’s college application process: My thought about paying for college: One thing I would say to your senior about college: My thought on your “go to” adult:
MHS Guidance Office …to the rescue!