WHAT IS A SIMPLE SENTENCE? A simple sentence is made up of a SUBJECT and a PREDICATE. SUBJECT: is WHO or WHAT the sentence is about (noun) PREDICATE: is WHAT the SUBJECT is DOING (verb)
SUBJECT Brainstorm some general subjects: * bird * flock * student * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
PREDICATE What can your subjects do? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
WHAT ELSE DO WE NEED? A complete sentence also needs: -To begin with a CAPITAL letter -To have a complete thought -To end in terminal punctuation - period {.}, exclamation mark {!}, or a question mark {?}
COMIC STRIP 1.Fold your paper into 6 squares 2.Illustrate your day (1 square can be your title square) 3.Caption each square with a simple sentence that tells the story of your day… or a fictional day (just like Mr. Morton’s day) 4.Colour the SUBJECT yellow in each square and the PREDICATE can be colored green 5.Keep the drawings simple and focus on GOOD COMPLETE SENTENCES 6.Hand in!