PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION Dr Ritu Soryan. CONSTITUENTS OF TECHNICAL WRITTEN COMMUNICATION Requisites of sentence Construction Paragraph Development Techniques.


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Presentation transcript:


CONSTITUENTS OF TECHNICAL WRITTEN COMMUNICATION Requisites of sentence Construction Paragraph Development Techniques and Methods Inductive Deductive Spatial Linear Chronological The Art of Condensation

Difference Between Sentence and Phrase A sentence has a verb in it but a phrase does not. A phrase can be turned into a sentence by adding words to it. CLAUSE:- The section of a sentence that makes the sentence larger is a clause; It includes a subject and predicate. Examples: The boy whom I taught last year is in job. They do nothing who talk tall.

TYPES OF CLAUSES There are two types of clauses- Principal clause Subordinate clause PRINCIPAL CLAUSE:- The section of the sentence that sounds is known as principal clause. Examples:- If you work hard, you will pass. Though he is poor, he is honest. SUBORDINATE CLAUSE:- The section of the sentence that does not sound is known as subordinate clause.

LETTERS (Vowels and Consonants) Words Phrases, Clauses and Sentences Paragraphs SENTENCE- A group of words placed in proper order making a complete sense is a sentence. Examples:- (i) Raja is a good boy. (ii) The sun rises in the east. (iii)God is great. (iv) Ram is intelligent. Remember:-- (1) Each sentence begins with a capital letters. (2) Each sentence ends with a full stop.

PHRASE A combination of words that makes sense but not complete sense is a phrase. Examples:-Come into the house, please. The sun rises in the east. They left the class at four.

PARTS OF A SENTENCE SUBJECT:- It is the doer that says something. It is either noun or pronoun. PREDICATE:- The part in which something is said about the subject is predicate. Examples-We should respect the teachers. 2. You should obey your parents.

In the first sentence ‘we’ is subject as it is pronoun. In the second sentence ‘should obey your parents’ is predicate as there is something said about the subject. KINDS OF SENTENCE Assertive sentence Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory

ASSERTIVE SENTENCE A statement is called an assertive sentence. It may be in the Affirmative or in the Negative. Examples:- Ramesh is an intelligent boy. (affirmative) 2.Sita is not regular in the class. (negative)

INTERROGATIVE A sentence asking a question is called an Interrogative sentence. Examples:- What do you do? Whom did you meet yesterday?

IMPERATIVE SENTENCE A sentence in which some order, advice or request is made is known as an Imperative sentence. Examples- Please go there. Don’t eat too much. Go and get.

EXCLAMATORY SENTENCE A sentence expressing strong feelings is called an exclamatory sentence. Examples- What a beautiful flower it is! How clever the girl is!

REQUISITES OF A GOOD SENTENCE CONSTRUCTION There are various requisites of a good sentence construction some of them are numbered below:- Sentence structure should not be awkward. Examples:- 1.A stranger is standing in black suit. (incorrect) 2.A stranger in black suit is standing. (correct)

THREE LEVELS OF COMMUNICATION 1.Interpersonal Level Of Communication 2.Organizational Level Of Communication 3.Mass Communication

Interpersonal communication Interpersonal communication is different from other forms of communication. There are few participants involved; the interact ants are in close physical proximity to each other. There are many sensory channels used, and feedback is immediate. We have many different relationships with people. Interacting with a salesman in a store is different than the relationship we have with our friends and family members. Thus, Interpersonal communication is that kind of communication that occurs between people who have known each other for some time. Important point in such communication is that these people view each other as unique individuals, not as people who are simply acting out social situations.

Organizational Level Of Communication People depend on organizations for their living. There can be no organization without communication. It is important that members of organization should have the knowledge and skills of organizational communication for the effective functioning in organizations. Organizational communication is a comprehensive way to the principles of effective communication within and between organizations. By improving communication, you can ensure people have the information they need to do their jobs, and understand the role they play in achieving business objectives. People can relate to each other only through some form of communication. If we can understand organizational communication, we will understand the organization itself.

Mass communication Mass communication occurs when a small number of people send messages to a large anonymous and usually heterogeneous audience through the use of specialized communication media. This type of communication is more effective and persuasive. Electronic forms of conferencing, closed circuit televisions, etc. Newspapers, Magazines and periodicals are also the effective means of communication.