Chapter 7 topics: Environmental policies Major U.S. environmental laws Approaches to environmental policy The environmental policy process Science and policy International environmental policy
Environmental policy Policy = a set of general plans and principles for addressing problems and guiding decision-making Public policy = made by governments Laws, regulations, orders, incentives, and practices Intended to advance societal welfare Environmental policy = pertains to human interactions with the environment Regulates resource use or reduces pollution To promote human welfare and/or protect resources
The ingredients and the players Science, ethics, and economics help formulate policy Government interacts with citizens, organizations, and the private sector
Fixing marketplace short-comings Capitalist markets Are driven by short-term profit Do not consider long-term social impacts or environmental stability Provide little incentive to minimize impacts Environmental policy goals Protect resources against the tragedy of the commons Promote equity by eliminating free riders Address external costs
Marketplace inequities Tragedy of the commons = common resources become overused/degraded Best prevented by use restrictions and management Cooperative approach can work Privatization can work Free riders = people are tempted to cheat Avoiding sacrifices made by others, they get a “free ride” Actions mandated by public policies are more effective All parties sacrifice equally
Marketplace inequities External costs = harmful impacts of market transactions borne by people not party to transaction Policies promote fairness regarding external costs Polluter pays principal = polluters cover costs of impacts
Objections Environmental policies are challenged, ignored, and rejected by citizens and policymakers because Environmental policy involves government regulation – property owners and businesspeople think regulations are inconvenient and cause economic loss Problems develop gradually, over the long term, but human behavior is geared toward short-term needs Businesses opt for short-term economic gain News media have short attention spans Politicians act out of short-term interest
Framework of U.S. policy Legislative branch = creates statutory law Executive branch = executes (carries out) laws Agencies = implement and enforce laws Regulations = rules/requirements to achieve objectives of broadly written statutory laws Executive orders = legal instructions for agencies Judicial branch = interprets laws Precedents = guides for later cases Lawsuits are filed for and against protection
State and local governments States, counties, and municipalities also generate environmental policies, often experimenting with novel concepts California, New York, and Massachusetts have strong environmental laws Well-funded agencies Citizens value protecting the environment State laws cannot violate principles of the U.S. Constitution, federal laws take precedence
Balancing constitutional ideas Environmental policy involves a sensitive balance between private rights and the public good Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution Prohibits denying “equal protection of its laws” The constitutional basis for environmental justice Fifth Amendment = the “takings” clause Bans the literal taking of private property Also bans regulatory taking, which deprives a property owner of economic uses of the property
1 st wave of environmental policy From 1780s to the late 1800s, environmental policy promoted settlement and extraction of resources People believed land was infinite and inexhaustible Results: Increased prosperity for citizens, railroad companies Relieved crowding in Eastern cities Displaced millions of Native Americans
Example laws from 1 st wave General Land Ordinances of 1785 and 1787: surveying and readying federal land for sale Homestead Act (1862): anyone could buy or settle on 160 acres of public land General Mining Act (1878): people could mine on public land for $5/acre with no oversight Timber Culture Act (1873): 160 acres to anyone promising to plant trees on 25% of that land
2 nd wave of environmental policy From1880s to1960s, public perception and policy shifted, a conservation/preservation ethic emerged Recognition that Western resources were not inexhaustible and needed legal protection Yellowstone National Park opened in 1872 National Forests became possible in 1903 Soil conservation stresses after the 1930s Dust Bowl The 1964 Wilderness Act preserved pristine land
3 rd wave of environmental policy From 1960s to present increased awareness of environmental problems caused further shifts People were better off economically but lived with dirtier air, dirtier water, more waste, toxic chemicals Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring (1962) described the effects of pesticides The Cuyahoga River caught fire in the 1960s
Support for the 3 rd wave Several factors converged to allow major advances in environmental policy in the 1960s and 1970s Wide evidence of environmental problems People could visualize policies to deal with problems The political climate was ripe Supportive public and leaders who were willing to act Congress strengthened and elaborated laws in the 1980s with amendments to the Clean Water and Clean Air Acts
Two turning points - NEPA The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) formalized the modern era of environmental policy Requires an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for federal action that might impact the environment Government and businesses must evaluate a project’s environmental impacts using a cost-benefit approach Provides incentives to decrease damage Citizens are granted input into the policy process
Two turning points – U.S. EPA President Nixon used an executive order to create the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Conducts and evaluates research Monitors environmental quality Sets and enforces standards for pollution levels Assists states in meeting standards and goals Educates the public The EPA is the leading agency for studying and developing solutions for environmental problems
Significant environmental laws
Current trends in policy Many feel regulations are too strict Federal environmental laws being weakened since1994 NC laws continue to be weakened Other nations are increasing efforts “4 th wave” focuses on sustainability, safe- guarding ecosystems while raising living standards United StatesInternational
Approaches to environmental policy Tort lawsuits in court Command-and-control Economic policy tools
Tort lawsuits in court Lawsuits are often used to address U.S. policy issues In the absence of laws and regulations To get laws and regulations enforced Tort law = deals with one entity harming another Nuisance law = individuals suffering from pollution would seek redress through lawsuits Courts can make polluters stop using injunctions or fines Courts often reluctant, seeking to balance costs Tort law not a viable option to prevent pollution
Command-and-control Command-and-control = a regulating agency sets rules or limits, establishes and enforces punishment for violators It brings cleaner air, water, safer workplaces, etc. May be well-intentioned, but not always well-informed Interest groups—people seeking private gain—unduly influence politicians and work against public interests Citizens may view policies as restrictions on freedom
Economic policy tools Green taxes A means to “internalize” external costs Flexibility to achieve objective Subsidies “Giveaways” of public money or resources Many existing ones promote unsustainable practices Permit trading Cap-and-trade market systems Buying and selling the “right” to pollute
Green taxes Tax environmentally harmful activities to internalize external costs and discourage undesirable activities Businesses reimburse the public for damage they cause – the more the pollution, the higher the tax Gives companies financial incentives to reduce pollution with the freedom to decide how to do so Costs are passed on to consumers
Subsidies Subsidy = a giveaway of cash or resources to encourage an activity, often as tax breaks Still used to support activities we now know to be unsustainable From 2002 to 2008, fossil fuel companies got $72 billion, renewable energy only $29 billion
Environmentally harmful subsidies The General Mining Act of 1872 Mining companies get $500 million–$1 billion in minerals from U.S. public lands each year No royalties are paid to taxpayers Mining activities have polluted 40% of Western watersheds The U.S. Forest Service builds roads for logging companies Spends $35 million of taxpayer money/year Companies sell the trees for profit
Permit trading markets Permit trading = a government-created market in permits for an environmentally harmful activity Cap-and-trade emissions trading system = the government sets levels (“caps”) and issues permits Polluters can buy, sell, and trade these permits Pollution is reduced overall Companies have an incentive to reduce emissions Sulfur dioxide emissions have decreased by 43% Cuts were obtained more efficiently and at lower cost than command-and-control regulation
Market incentives at the local level Municipalities charge residents for waste disposal, according to the amount of waste generated Cities tax disposal of costly items (tires, motor oil) Some cities give rebates for water-efficient appliances Power utilities give discounts for efficient light bulbs and appliances Well-planned market incentives can reduce environmental impact while minimizing costs to industry
Public-private partnerships Public-private partnership = a for-profit entity does the work, a public entity acts as overseer Public policy goals will be achieved in a timely, cost-effective manner, private entities try to maximize efficiency But it can be challenging to design workable partnerships while serving both private and public interests
Making environmental policy
Influencing the process Corporations and industries can not make direct campaign contributions so they establish Political Action Committees (PACs) to raise money for political campaigns and help candidates win A 2010 Supreme Court decision allows corporations and unions to buy ads for or against candidates The revolving door = movement of people between the government and the private sector
The role of science Effective decisions are informed by scientific research Sometimes policymakers ignore science They let political ideology determine policy Government scientists have had their work censored, suppressed, or edited and their jobs threatened Unqualified people were put into power When taxpayer-funded research is suppressed or distorted for political ends, everyone loses
International environmental policy International environmental policy is supported by Customary law = laws/customs held by most cultures Conventional law = from conventions or treaties Montreal Protocol = addressed ozone-depleting chemicals Kyoto Protocol & Paris Conference = address greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels that cause climate change International organizations influence nations through funding, peer pressure, and media attention
An uphill effort Globalization interconnects our world Societies and ecosystems changing at unprecedented rates Trade and technology allow increased consumption Consumptive nations exert very high pressures Multinational corporations operate outside the reach of national laws with little incentive to conserve resources or act sustainably
International Organizations United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Helps nations understand and solve environmental problems World Bank One of the largest funding sources for economic development Dams, irrigation, infrastructure Funds unsustainable, environmentally damaging projects
International Organizations European Union (EU) Seeks to promote Europe’s unity, economic and social progress Can sign binding treaties and enact regulations Can also issue advisory directives Sees environmental regulations as barriers to trade World Trade Organization (WTO) Represents multinational corporations promoting free trade Can impose penalties on nations that don’t comply Interprets environmental laws as unfair barriers to trade
Take-aways Environmental policy is a problem-solving tool that uses science, ethics, and economics Conventional command-and-control approach uses legislation and regulations to make policy Tort law is still influential Market-based policies are being developed, but unsustainable and environmentally harmful projects are still promoted