Chapter I Parts of Speech; Nouns: Number, Gender, Case (Nominative and Accusative); First Declension Nouns
Cogita: Make a family tree of Romulus and Remus.
Agricola, agricolae, m. Agriculture
Aqua, aquae, f.
Āthlēta, āthlētae, m.
Fīlia, fīliae, f. Affiliate- to connect to close association Filial- of or pertaining to a son or daughter
Lupa, lupae, f.
Nauta, nautae, m. Nautical- have to do with sailors, ships, or navigation
Poēta, poētae, m.
Puella, puellae, f. In picturā est puella.
Rōma, Rōmae, f.
Terra, terrae, f. Inter- to bury Subterranean- lying below the surface of the earth Terra firma- solid ground Extra-terrestrial
Bene Benediction- a blessing Benefactor- a person who gives help to others Benevolent- inclined to do good; charitable Benign- kindly
Nouns Number, Gender, Case
Cogita Ex. 2 from your Packet and the book
Gender 3 genders in Latin – Masculine – Feminine – Neuter Sometimes easy to identify – Puer – boy – Mater- mother – Pater- Father – Fīlia- daughter
Gender Grammatical Gender Helpful but not hard and fast hints – Rivers, winds, mountains, and months = Masculine – Cities, countries, plants, trees, and more abstract qualities (vanity)= Feminine
Endings can also help identify gender. Masculine -us = taurus -er= puer -or= amor Feminine -a = puella -as = vānitās -dō = magnitūdō -io = regio Neuter -um = templum -men = flūmen -e = mare -al = animal -ar = exemplar
You try… Alumna Alumnūs Templum Ōrātor Rosa Annus Animus
Number Singular : cupcake, crustulum Plural: cupcakes, crustula
Case Case- the change in the form of a word to show how it functions within the sentence 5 cases in Latin – Nominative – Genitive – Dative – Accusative – Ablative
Vocabulary Quizzes I.Latin English II.English Latin III.English Derivative Latin Nouns include Nominative, Genitive and gender Spelling Counts
Homework Turn to page 7 Make your own acrostic for the cases (NGDAcAb)
An example of an acrostic poem M- Magical S- Super. P- Pretty I- Intelligent T- Tidy T- Tricky M- Magnificent A- Awesome N- No excuses
Homework Turn to page 7 Make your own acrostic for the cases (NGDAcAb) Do your poem on a piece of unlined paper and decorate using at least 3 colors. Rubric- 10- Turned in on time, required material plus additional content 9- Required content with some additional effort 8- Required content and nothing more or less 7- Will be asked to re-do
Let’s share our acrostics.
Nominative and Accusative
Nominative Case Used to identify the subject Used to identify the predicate
Subject The subject performs the action of the verb. Who? / what? + verb = Subject Ms. Pittman makes blueberry jam. Who?/ What? + makes = Ms. Pittman Jupiter loves Europe. Who?/ what? + loves = Jupiter Juppiter Eurōpam amat.
Predicate A predicate word defines or describes the sentence’s subject, it is connected by a linking verb – Mark = my best friend. – Arachne est puella stuluta.
Accusative Case Mostly direct objects Objects of some prepositions
Direct Object Direct Objects directly receive the action of the verbs. Subject + verb + who? / what? = Direct Object The god loves the nymph. God + loves+ who? /what? = The nymph The girl sees the bull. The girl sees what? The bull Juppiter Eurōpam amat.
Working by yourself… Find all the examples of the Nominative case and their verbs in the reading passage. Ex. Rhēa Silivia…habet. Amūlius… claudit Amūlius… pōnit Lupa… ambulat Lupa… cūrat et amat Rōmulus et Remus crēscunt Rōmulus et Remus… aedificant
Now find all the examples of the accusative case and their verbs Duōs fīliōs habet: Rōmulum et Remum Rhēam Siliviam claudit Rōmulum et Remum… pōnit Rōmulum et Remum bene cūrat et amat Rōmam aedificant What is the similarity we see with the accusative ending?
Homework Exercise III on page VIII Example: Amūlius est deus. a)Predicate Nominative b)Falsum
Pass homework to a someone else Please mark and correct any errors.
Ex. III Pg. VIII 1. Rhēa Silvia Rōmulum et Remum cūrat. Subject, vērum 2. Amūlius Rōmulum et Remum bene cūrat. Direct objects, falsum 3. Amūlius lupam vinculīs claudit. Direct objects, falsum 4. Mārs Rōmulum et Remum in aquam pōnit. Subject, falsum 5. Lupa Rhēam Silviam cūrat. Direct object, falsum 6. Amūlius ad aquam ambulat. Subject, vērum
Grading 100%: No Mistakes: Rock star: New study buddy + ✔+ ✔ 99% or less but they finished the assignment: Made one or more mistakes and attempted each question ✔ Did not complete the assignment: One or more blanks − ✔− ✔ When you are done, pass the assignment forward.
The First Declension
Declensions Declension a title used to indicate a class or family group, to which nouns (and adjectives) belong. There are five declensions in Latin. Turn to page CCCXCIII (393)
The First Declension Mostly feminine Easy to identify: a
First Declension SingularPlural NominativeLupaNominativeLupae GenitiveLupaeGenitiveLupārum DativeLupaeDativeLupīs AccusativeLupamAccusativeLupās AblativeLupāAblativeLupīs
First Declension Endings SingularPlural Nominativea ae GenitiveaeGenitiveārum DativeaeDativeīs AccusativeamAccusativeās Ablativeā īs
First Declension SingularPlural NominativeLupaNominativeLupae GenitiveLupaeGenitiveLupārum DativeLupaeDativeLupīs AccusativeLupamAccusativeLupās AblativeLupāAblativeLupīs Decline nauta, nauta on your whiteboard
First Declension SingularPlural NominativeNautaNominativeNautae GenitiveNautaeGenitiveNautārum DativeNautaeDativeNautīs AccusativeNautamAccusativeNautās AblativeNautāAblativeNautīs
To Decline Find the stem by using the genitive case – Lupa, lupae Take stem and add ending – Lup + a, ae, ae, am, ā, ae, ārum, īs, ās, īs Try it again decline agricola, agricolae
First Declension Singular Plural NominativeAgricolaNominativeAgricolae GenitiveAgricolaeGenitiveAgricolārum DativeAgricolaeDativeAgricolīs AccusativeAgricolamAccusativeAgricolās AblativeAgricolāAblativeAgricolīs
Homework Ex. IV pg. X (I-VII) Ex. V pg. XI (I-VII)
Pass your homework forward
Cogita What kind of grade are you trying to earn in this class? Why do you want this grade? What do you typically do when you meet a challenge? Do you think this class will be challenging? Why or why not?
Best way to fail this class in order to get back at your parents for making you take Latin… Don’t memorize your declensions!
For those of you who aren’t trying to show up Mom and Dad… Rote memorization Sing them Say them Make cards and put the cards in order Look at the declensions in a different way Play online games
Grammar Handbooks Don’t loose
Grammar Handbooks Don’t loose Update every week Random checks worth 40 points
Homework Decorate and update handbooks – First Declension – Function of the Nominative and Accusative Case (leave room for more functions)