The GENI Meta-Operations Center (GMOC) Jon-Paul Herron Global Research NOC
The Global Research NOC OmniPoP
Topics 1.GENI Background 2.What is “Meta-Operations” 3.What GMOC is trying to do, and challenges 4.Relation between Operating research facility and upcoming issues in production operations
Build a Facility to support greenfield network science NOT Research in itself The Test Track, not the car GENI – Global Environment for Network Innovations
GENI Summary Funded by NSF BBN Technologies serves as the GENI Project Office (GPO) 2 Solicitations so far Solicitation #1 had 29 funded projects Solicitation #2 is pending review & awards GENI Project Office (GPO) grouped projects into control framework clusters each cluster is anchored by a project to develop a control plane for the facility to use to virtualize 5 clusters initially: PlanetLab TIED ProtoGENI ORCA/BEN ORBIT
GENI Principles Virtualized Projects contribute resources (equipment, circuits) Resources are virtualized into “slivers” “slivers” are connected together to create virtual networks for researchers, called “slices” Federated 29 projects, working together Evolutionary What works gets funding, what doesn’t work gets dropped
GENI Meta-Operations Center
What does “Meta” mean? Many GENI projects already do some operations, some don’t But what about operating GENI as a whole? How can we use the existing operations and make GENI operate well as a whole? Option 1/Completely distributed Option 2/Central GENI Operations Center Option 3/Meta-operations
Cluster 2 Project D Project C Project A Project B Example
Cluster 2 Project D Project C Project A Project B Option 1 - Completely Distributed
Option 2 - Centralized Cluster 1Cluster 2 Project D Project C Project A Project B
Cluster 2 Project D Project C Project A Project B Option 3 - Meta-Operations Cluster 1
GMOC Architecture
GENI Meta-Operations Center
GMOC Translator - Translates information from other formats into consistent data format GMOC Repository - Central datastore for operational data from all GENI parts GMOC Exchanger - Polls and/or receives operational data from aggregates GENI Meta-Operations Center
GMOC Exchanger - Polls and/or receives operational data from aggregates
GENI Meta-Operations Center GMOC Translator - Translates information from other formats into consistent data format
GENI Meta-Operations Center GMOC Repository - Central datastore for operational data from all GENI parts
Early GMOC Functions
GENI View of Operational Status Give GENI-wide view of operational status maps & graphs prototype other views, such as slice-by-slice views Give Scientists access to their data “What was going on during these 2 weeks I ran my test?”
Emergency Stop Emergency Shutdown Identify & Shut down Misbehaving Slices Protect Other Slices Ensure Stability
Challenges for GENI Operations
Challenge #1: Federation GENI has many projects doing different kinds of things with different abilities to provide operational data with different requirements for operational data GMOC depends on cooperation from them all Balance between central visibility and decentralized autonomy will need to evolve (and continue evolving)
Challenge #2: Layers of Visibility GENI Aggregates
Challenge #2: Layers of Visibility GENI Components
Challenge #2: Layers of Visibility
Challenge #3: Operations for Virtualized Facility Everything is more temporary what “slices” are out there (NOW, 3 weeks ago)? How do we correlate current slices to future slices for repeatability Everything is more complex Many different groups to serve: Operators, Researchers, “Opt-in” Users Everything is more concurrent How do researchers setting up “slices” know the state of them (and not everything else)? How do we “shut down” the problem parts (and not everything else)?
Does GENI have any relation to “normal” networks? GENIOther R&E Networks (Geant, etc) Federation End-to-end performance (perfSONAR) Multiple-domain Information sharing Virtualized TestbedOperating Dynamic Circuits Multiple LayersWhat Layers are operationally significant?