__________________________ © Cactus Moon Education, LLC. INDEX Slide 1Title Slide Slide 2Index Slide 3 Biomass Technologies Slide 4 – 5Direct burning Slide 6 – 7Co-Firing Slide 8 – 9Fermentation Slide 10 – 11Gasification Slide 12 – 13Oil Extraction Slide 14 – 15Pyrolysis
__________________________ © Cactus Moon Education, LLC. Biomass Technologies Different technologies can be used to extract the energy from biomass material or to convert biomass material into a different form which can be used more conveniently as an energy source or other product. The technologies can be as simple as burning the biomass material to produce heat and then using the heat in some other process such as generating electricity. The technologies can be complex such as extracting the oils contained in the biomass material and using those oils as a basis for manufacturing other fuels such as “bio”-diesel or “bio”-jet fuel. Other technologies can be used to convert the chemical contents of biomass material into other forms such as plastics, fertilizers or food flavorings!
__________________________ © Cactus Moon Education, LLC. Direct burning -1 Biomass can be burned in a furnace or a boiler where the heat can be used to boil water. The hot water can be used for space heating or as the heat source for an industrial process such as pasteurizing milk. If the water is boiled to make steam, the steam can be used to spin a turbine/generator and make electricity. Direct burning is the one of the simplest ways to use biomass.
__________________________ © Cactus Moon Education, LLC. Direct Burning - 2 Fuel in the form of wood chips is delivered to the fuel yard. Fuel from different sources is blended to optimize the fuel quality. 1 1 The fuel is taken to the top of the boiler by a conveyor belt. The fuel is burned in the boiler to make steam The steam is used to power a turbine/generator to make electricity which is fed into the power grid. 3
__________________________ © Cactus Moon Education, LLC. Co-Firing - 1 Biomass can be burned along with pulverized coal in a power plant boiler, where up to 30% of the coal can be replaced by the biomass. This is one of the most cost effective ways of using biomass to produce electricity since all of the generating hardware already exists. Co-firing biomass with coal can reduce the emissions from the power plant.
__________________________ © Cactus Moon Education, LLC. Co-Firing - 2 Fuel, in the form of wood chips, is delivered to the fuel yard 1 The wood chips are ground into smaller pieces of wood and blown into the boiler along with pulverized coal 2 Steam generated in the boiler is used to power a turbine/generator to make electricity 4
__________________________ © Cactus Moon Education, LLC. Fermentation -1 Fermentation is a process in which the sugars in biomass material are reacted with yeasts to produce ethanol. The fermentation process results in an ethanol and water mixture. The ethanol is separated from the water in a distillation column. Additional dehydration of the ethanol can be carried out to raise the purity of the ethanol. The ethanol can be used as a transportation fuel or as an additive to gasoline.
__________________________ © Cactus Moon Education, LLC. Fermentation - 2 Biomass is loaded into the fuel hopper 1 1 It is boiled (mashed) in a high-temperature cooker to remove bacteria 2 23 The mash is fermented in the fermentation chamber 3 Alcohol is separated from the water in a distillation column. 4 4
__________________________ © Cactus Moon Education, LLC. Gasification - 1 Biomass gasifiers operate by heating biomass material with steam in a controlled atmosphere. In the gasification process, carbon contained in the biomass material and the hydrogen and oxygen in the steam are converted to “syn-gas” (synthetic gas) Syn-gas is a flammable gas mixture made up of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Syn-gas can be used as a fuel for heating or for generating electricity.
__________________________ © Cactus Moon Education, LLC. Gasification - 2 Biomass material is dumped into a hopper and fed into the gasifier 1 Steam In the gasifier, carbon in the biomass reacts with the hydrogen and oxygen in steam Syn-gas The product of this process is syn-gas which is a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen 3 3
__________________________ © Cactus Moon Education, LLC. Biodiesel - 1 Lipid oil contained in biomass material is extracted by crushing and pressing the biomass. The lipid oil can be mixed and reacted with alcohol in a process known as “Transesterification” to produce bio- diesel. Bio-diesel can be used as a substitute for petroleum diesel fuel or can be blended with petroleum diesel fuel. Other fuels such as JP-8 (jet aircraft fuel) can also be obtained using the lipid oil extracted from biomass.
__________________________ © Cactus Moon Education, LLC. Biodiesel - 2 Oil And Fats Methanol and Catalyst A transesterification process takes place producing Glycerin and biodiesel. 2 Reactor Vessel Lipid oil from the biomass is mixed with methanol and a catalyst in the reactor vessel. 1 1 Glycerin The glycerin sinks to the bottom of the reactor vessel and is removed. 3 3 Transesterification Washing The excess alcohol and catalyst are washed from the biodiesel with water. 4 4 The mixture is dried with hot air Drying 5 5 Biodiesel The biodiesel is collected. 6 6
__________________________ © Cactus Moon Education, LLC. Pyrolysis - 1 Pyrolisis is a process in which biomass material is decomposed at a high temperature. Biomass material is heated either by slowly or quickly to temperatures of around 700° F to start the pyrolysis process. A slow pyrolisis process can produce solid reaction products. Flashed pyrolisis process can result in liquid or bio-oil reaction products. The chemicals contained in the bio-oil can be used in the manufacture of other products.
__________________________ © Cactus Moon Education, LLC. Reactor Quencher Char Bio-Oil Flashed pyrolisis process can result in liquid or bio- oil reaction products. Pyrolysis - 2 Biomaterial goes into the reactor 1 1 The biomaterial is heated quickly to over 700 ° F 2 2 SYNGAS The material vaporizes, forming syngas and char 3 3 Syngas returns to Reactor Some of the syngas is fed back into the reactor to heat the reactor 5 5 The syngas is cooled quickly in the quencher to form bio-oil 4 4