Brightly Raised Ashlyn W. 10USA
Describe the problem you want to solve. The real world-problem may be one that all the people in your neighborhood face, something that all your friends complain about, or an issue you talk about where you live. It could also be about a bigger, global problem that affects many people. Your entry must describe how you help solve the problem by inventing something new. Make a list of possible ways to solve this problem. How have people tried to solve this problem in the past? Think of how you can improve on other solutions. Draw pictures and diagrams to show your invention and how it might work. Include video, photos and text of the steps you take in building your prototype or model. Show your model to friends and hear what they say. Write down their suggestions. Perform some experiments to find out how well you prototype works. Write down the results of each test. Adjust your prototype or model based on the suggestions of your friends or findings of your experiments. Give your invention a name and explain why people should buy it. Things to think about as you complete your submission….. Take time to make your presentation impressive. Use diagrams, video, voice, and photos. You may include multiple slides for each step of the invention process.
Have a great idea for an invention (required step) Have a great idea for an invention (required step) I want to solve the problem of having to look at the keyboard and having to see the keyboard. I kept writing typos trying not to look at the keyboard. Then, I looked at it, and I couldn’t see it. So, I had to turn on a light, that ran out of battery. I didn’t have any batteries at home, so I couldn’t type on the computer.
Investigate inventions and ideas of the past (required step) Some solutions are: Lift up your keyboard Put your keyboard at a higher elevated place were you can see it with a light that has batteries. Do my invention idea !
How It Works You have some lights under the keys of the keyboard, to make it bright. Then, you have the key letters pushed up a little bit so you can feel it. Also, the keys are yellow, and that’s how it works. You have some lights under the keys of the keyboard, to make it bright. Then, you have the key letters pushed up a little bit so you can feel it. Also, the keys are yellow, and that’s how it works.
Prototype How I made my prototype, was with cardboard. I cut the cardboard in to square pieces for the letters. Also, I cut some more cardboard into a rectangle-keyboard shape.
Draw pictures and diagrams to show your invention and how it might work. (required step)
Build your prototype or model of your invention.
Market your invention to people who might buy it. (required step)