Classification of Matter
SEPARATION OF A HETEROGENEOUS MIXTURE Separation based on physical method. Magnetic property of the iron.
Filtration separates a liquid or soluble component from a solid.
Figure 2.17: Separation of a sand-saltwater mixture.
Distillation A solution is heated in a distillation apparatus. If the water evaporates at a lower temperature than the other substance, water will collect in the flask attached to the condenser, leaving the other substance behind. (ex: salt water) If water evaporates at a higher temperature than the other substance, then the other substance will evaporate first and therefore collect in the flask attached to the condenser. (ex: alcohol and water)
Separation of a Homogeneous Mixture ( parts have different boiling points )
The solution is boiled and the component with the lowest boiling point is driven off, in this case, it’s steam (water).
The substance with the higher boiling point remains in the flask, in this case salt remains after all water is boiled off.
No chemical change occurs when salt water is distilled.
Electrolysis: decomposition of water by an electric current, is chemical process
Chromatography Separation by using differences in the degree to which various substances are attracted to the surface of a nonreactive substance. Ex: You can tell the difference between two writing pens, because chromatography done on filter paper will show the components of the inks. They will probably be different.
Chromatography – separates parts with different attractions to a medium
Column Chromatography
Homework: Page 77 #4, 5, 6