Self Concept: Means how you see yourself and the things you know about yourself, such as your strengths and weaknesses. It is also how you think others see you. Self Motivation: Is when you want to do or achieve things without being told to do so by someone else.
Positive Self Motivation Negative Self Motivation
1. Media 2. Environment 3. Friends and Peers 4. Family 5. Culture 6. Religion 7. Community
The media surrounds you in many different ways: ◦ Newspapers ◦ TV Shows ◦ Advertisement boards ◦ Magazines ◦ Social Media Every one of these is part of our daily routine
Some messages through the media has an impact/impression on us and can change the way we think and do things. Self motivation plays a very important role when you come in contact with the media.. Once you have read off advertisements about successful athletes, it can inspire you and motivate you to work harder.
Your environment is everything around you. The places where you work, play and live has an influence on your self concept and self motivation. The influence can be positive or negative
Your peers plays a very important role in your life as it shapes your identity and self concept. Your colleagues can be your friends or just the group of people you hang out with at school. Your friends or colleagues can help you to develop your self concept and self motivation positively or negatively.
Friends that support you, makes you believe in yourself. They help you to have a positive self concept and self motivation because of the fact that they believe in you. People have the tendencies to make friends that have the same values as you do. If you have a positive self concept you will be able to withstand negative peer pressure and avoid the negative results that could have followed Be careful who your friends are!!!
Teenagers will be encouraged to feel good about themselves when they are placed in a safe environment outside the house where they can be understood and allowed to be independent. They will be self motivated to preserve and to make their family proud. A house where there is abuse will cause the child to have a poor self concept and self motivation
Different cultures consider teenagers roles differently. Western cultures tend to emphasize on the individuals and the development of their self concept and self motivation Eastern cultures tend to emphasize family relationships, and the role and position of the individual within the family
Some cultures believe that woman dont need to further themselves in study or to develop themselves and that the men are the ones that need to be successful. It can lead to a poor self concept for the woman and a break down in self motivation. A culture that focuses heavily teenager and on the role of the teenager, creates a positive self concept. This culture breeds teenagers to become good and full of quality values inorder to play a role in the community.
Religion teaches us values and guidelines on how to live life. The feeling to comfortably fit in a group and have positive guidelines can positively build a persons self concept and you have a better chance to be motivated by doing what is expeted of you.
Many religions have strict rules that need to be followed and this gives you responsibility on how you conduct yourself. This positive aspect helps you to build your positive self concept and self motivation
Community life can teach you everything about Ubuntu, this means that people need other people. We need each other in order to live If you are part of a strong community, it can firmly develop your self concept through your own values and your contribution to the community that is larger than yourself. You will think positive about yourself and will want to continue to achieve.