2 Total Funding Per project: Min 200,000 € Max 750,000 € Co-financing 75 % Total: 66 projects / 13,200,000 €
ASIA-Link 3 Background Co-operation in the field of higher education between the European Union and the developing countries in Asia
ASIA-Link 4 Background To promote regional and multilateral networking between higher education institutions in both regions
ASIA-Link 5 The Asia-Link Programme provides support to Networks/Partnerships between European and Asian universities on Development of Human Resources Development of Curricula Development/Improvement of institutional systems and administration
ASIA-Link 6 Support to Exchange of Knowledge and experience together with a recognition of : Study programmes Reciprocal access to higher education
ASIA-Link 7 Support to Development of Common curricula Courses/Modules Agreements on credit transfer Mutual degree recognition
ASIA-Link 8 Who can participate? Universities from: EU Malaysia, P.R. China, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia And without funding from EU Brunei and Singapore,
ASIA-Link 9 Number of partners? Minimum: 2 universities from 2 different EU countries and 2 universities from one or more of the Asian countries and a fair split between Europe and Asia
ASIA-Link 10 WHO? ASIA-Link prioritizing: More than four partners More than one country from Asia One or more from the least developed eligible Asian countries or regions (none in our network)
ASIA-Link 11 Partners Role Each partner must have a specific role in the implementation of the project
ASIA-Link 12 Masters in Lifelong Learning: Educational Policy and Management Project proposal?
ASIA-Link 13 First semester: Introductory modules The Institute of Education offers : Lifelong Learning: Theories and Perspectives (15 ECTS) Comparative Education: Theories and Methods (15 ECTS) The Danish University of Education offers: Lifelong Learning: Theories and Perspectives (15 ECTS) Adult psychology and learning theory (15 ECTS)
ASIA-Link 14 Second semester: Specialist modules I The Institute of Education offers : Policy and Curriculum Perspectives in Lifelong Learning (15 ECTS) Educational systems and policies in Europe (15 ECTS) The Danish University of Education offers: Work-based and organizational learning (15 ECTS) Competence-development in the society (15 ECTS)
ASIA-Link 15 Third semester: Specialist modules II The University of Deusto offers : Quality management (15 ECTS) Credits for Lifelong Learning (15 ECTS )
ASIA-Link 16 Fourth semester: Dissertation in UK, ES or DK The consortium offers : Dissertation (30 ECTS) (Compulsory)
ASIA-Link 17 Mobility arrangements in Europe 1st semester 2nd semester 3rd semester 4th semester DKUK 30 ECTS DKUK ES DKUKES