External Examiners induction session For newly appointed External Examiners
Welcome Megan Nichols – Head of HE Quality and Standards Nicky Turnbull – Head of HE Curriculum
Outline of the day About NCG Foundation Degrees at NCG Assessment framework The role of the External Examiner External Examiner reports Payment and expenses Passport Check Any questions?
NCG 6 Divisions: Newcastle College West Lancashire College InTraining Ltd Rathbone Newcastle Sixth Form College Kidderminster College
NCG HE Strategy Our aims align with the overall aims of NCG: Provide a high-quality, flexible vocational curriculum offer Widen participation and increase employability Work in partnership with employers to support their future skills needs Increase accessibility and flexibility through e- learning Provide a distinctive HE offer which complements traditional University provision
HE at NCG Substantial growth Foundation Degrees, 39 Honours and masters awards FDAP awarded 2011 Seeking TDAP to give greater self- direction
Student recruitment
Strengths High quality teaching and learning informed by research, scholarship and pedagogy within an HE in FE context Robust and rigorous quality assurance framework mapped against UK Quality Code Innovative vocational curriculum offer that supports employability and career aspirations Use of RPL which values and recognises prior experience Supportive learning environment Industry standard facilities and resources
Kidderminster College
HE Management HE Directorate has institutional oversight of quality and standards, curriculum, regulations and operations Each School has a dedicated HE Manager who works closely with the HE Directorate
HE Assessment Framework
What is the HE Assessment Framework? Provides a framework which offers guidance and documentation to ensure effective, appropriate and fair assessment Implementation of college HE Quality processes and procedures Assures the quality and standards of HE assessment and feedback.
What does it involve? Three main areas are incorporated within the framework: Assessment Design Assessment Standards Assessment Feedback
The Credit Framework NCG uses nationally recognised credit tariff: 1 credit = 10 notional student learning hours Modules based around units of 20 credits (200 notional student learning hours)
Foundation Degrees NCG Foundation Degrees have 2 levels conforming to Part A of the Quality Code: FHEQ and the QAA Higher Education Credit Framework for England Credit Framework 120 credits level credits level 5
Foundation Degree Classification 70% +Distinction 60-69%Merit 40-59%Pass Up to 39%Fail
Level 4 to Level credit points at Level 4 Re-submit all failed components where module mark is less than 20% in up to 50% of the level Have achieved a minimum of 40% or more in modules equivalent to 100 credit points at Level 4 or above; Have achieved a minimum of 20% in each component and in each module studied up to a limit of 20 credits; Re-assessment is allowed for modules in the compensation band 20-39% but only where a student has no failure below 20% Compensation not available for compulsory modules Students must have attempted all components with a module C12 Student Progression
Submit for assessment in all module components Achieve ‘requirements’ for progression L4 to L5 or have been admitted directly to L5 Have pursued a study of 120 credit points at L5 or been accredited with 60 credits or less on admission at L5 Achieve a minimum of 40% or more in 100 credits points at L5 Achieve overall average of 20% or more in each module studied Achieve an average of 40% or more across all modules studied at this level C13 Conferment of Awards
Course documentation Use of standard templates Programme Specification Student Handbook Statement of resources Module Specification Module delivery details Module Guides Course document (pre 2014/15 validations only)
Regulations (Sept 2014) External examining and assessment guidelines Student and Programme Handbooks Marking and classification criteria Learning, teaching and assessment strategies
The Role of the External Examiner
Overall purpose of the External Examiner To ensure that standards are maintained from a subject point of view To ensure fairness and equity form a student point of view To act as a critical friend with –Curriculum developments –Standards
External Examiner Cycle
At the start of the academic year Check the programme documentation you need sight of (Induction Checklist EE7) Review the Annual Checklist of docs/info (EE8) early September Agree the basis for sampling assessments (see checklist and agenda EE14) Agree the basis of visits to the college (EE14)
Sampling Your right to see all scripts (Re-sits?) Discretion to sample Should see: –Assessments marked highest overall –Selection of passed assessments from each classification band –Problematic assessment –A sample of fails
Examiner’s role with assessment Assessment aims and objectives are appropriate Purposes and philosophy of assessment are articulated and understood Assessment load is appropriate Assessment is properly and impartially conducted
Outside of the Examination Boards Meet students and discuss the standard of work in general Advise on individual cases e.g. where there has been internal disagreement about a mark Sample scripts and assessed material to enable judgements to be made as to the: - Overall suitability of assessment methods - Coherence of assessment strategy - Consistency of internal marking
Examination Boards 2 Tiers (1 st module / programme exam committees, 2 nd Board of Examiners Accountable for academic integrity of assessment in programmes Responsible for conduct of assessment including determining module marks, progression and awards A focus for quality assurance
Board of Examiners Confer awards and classifications for existing students
Module Examination Committee Determine student module assessment outcomes Consider amendment of cohort’s marks as appropriate Determine student progression
Programme Examination Committee Confirms progression Previews student profile prior to presentation for Award at the Board of Examiners
General Information about Exam Committees/Board of Examiners External Examiners are not permitted to amend individual marks at Exam Committee/Board Terminology: awards, programmes, discretion to compensate (C12.2.4), re-submission, repeat, reassessment (C12.3.1, C12.4.3, C ) Cheating Plagiarism and Unfair Practice (C16) Extenuating Circumstances and Mitigation (C15)
After the Examination Board Complete annual report within 28 days of main assessment board Return to HE Directorate (along with expenses, annual fee claims)
External Examiner reports
Report headings Standards Student performance Student engagement Conduct of processes Areas for commendation
What happens to report HE Directorate will circulate to the relevant School HE Manager Head of HE Quality and Standards will track key themes and complete an annual report to be presented at HE Academic Board You will receive a response from the School Quality Manager within 28 days of receipt of your report
Payments to External Examiners NCG External Examiners payment is £350 per annum (plus expenses) To claim this you need to provide: 1.A signed Indemnification form (tax/NICs arrangements) Declaration of employment status NICs number and HMRC Number (if applicable) Bank details (for BACS) 2.An External Examiners Fee & Expenses Form
Bookings and Expenses Must have valid receipts (credit card receipts not accepted) Can claim for accommodation, travel expenses or subsistence & postage (if incurred) NB Accommodation and train tickets can be booked on your behalf (at least 2 weeks notice please) or you can book and pay for your own and claim it back through expenses.
How to submit a Claim? External Examiners annual fee –Submit a claim form within a month of June Board to the HE Directorate ( option for fees only) Expenses for June Boards –Send a completed claim form with valid receipts attached (if applicable) to the HE Directorate within 28 days Expenses for Reconvened or Semester 1 Boards –Send a completed claim form with valid receipts attached to the HE Directorate within 28 days
Who to Contact? Your school HE Manager will liaise with you regarding: –dates/times for visits (expectation is one visit per year) –any mailing of module guides/ student work & deadlines HE Directorate ( ) –Accommodation / train bookings / tickets –Submitting claim forms/receipts –Any other general queries
Useful Contacts Debra Carr (HE Academic Administrator) or Liz Noble (HE Academic Coordinator) or College address: Newcastle College Rye Hill Campus Newcastle upon Tyne NE4 7SA External Examiners Web Page: coll.ac.uk/higher-education/externalexaminershttp:// coll.ac.uk/higher-education/externalexaminers