Analysis of breakfast food market Demand forecast Identification of new breakfast food product Market potential for the idea Current and future demand The nature and extent of competition Behavioral factors Target market identification Cultural and subcultural factors Proposal of marketing strategy to be used What we shall cover
The demand for breakfast foods is expected to rise significantly People are becoming more aware of health benefits of breakfast In America the demand may not change much because the market is almost saturated China seems to be the best location Knowing what consumers need will work magic in the future Demand forecast
In the United States alone the market for breakfast foods stand at around $13 billion There are some types of foods which are traditionally regarded breakfast food They include breakfast bars, cereals, breakfast meat, bread and dairy products 31 million consumers forgo breakfast and this can be attributed to factors such as convenience, health considerations and others The demand for breakfast foods is still good but can be much improved by tapping all these people who do not take it Analysis of breakfast food market
The breakfast food market is making a lot of progess today There is a challenge of new entrant to penetrate the market People are moving away from junk foods to nutritious foods Being creative will give a company competitive edge over their competitors Industry analysis
Innovation is important for market survival now Green chiles and corn cakes are a good morning food It has a fast growing menu today People care about what they take today New breakfast food
With today’s dynamic market, breakfast food outlets need to be more creative The potential of this new food product is high as it is low in calories Due to the changes in people’s preferences, health considerations and convenience, there is potential of the growth of market share Changes in the market bring with them opportunities A good product matches with the people’s needs and considerations Market potential for the product
Although the demand is not so high today, it is expected to grow gradually Due to the increasing innovation and market competition, different flavors have been made We expect the demand to go up by a great margin in future Introduction of new flavor will also help in growth of the market demand in future Today’s Demand and Future Demand
The market competition is very stiff for breakfast foods. Especially in the United States the market is almost saturated It calls for a lot of creativity and innovation for one to succeed With people moving away from unhealthy fast foods, the competition is even getting stiffer Fast food manufacturers are getting higher competition With so many products in the market today, the market is even more complex. The market has both rivalry among existing firms and threat from new entrants Nature and Extent of market competition
There are different factors influencing the purchase of breakfast products. They include lifestyle, tastes of the consumer, culture, sub culture, social class. Also age and lifecycle stage are important factors to be considered along with economic situation Occupation also dictates how a person decides on what to buy Self concept is also important Another factor is the personality of the consumer Behavioral factors influencing purchase of breakfast products
Perception and motivation are also some factors which influence purchasing decision Beliefs and attitude are very important when a person is making decision to buy any product A consumer also needs to be motivated to buy a certain product Learning can also be a factor influencing how breakfast foods consumers make decisions about purchasing Factors such as family and its size and reference groups play their role in this. Behavioral factors influencing purchase of breakfast products
Sometimes people skip breakfast due to time reasons Some others would rather stay without eating breakfast if the food for breakfast has a lot of calories. Some buy fast foods to take as they travel. Time for reporting to work may ne another reason Behavioral factors influencing purchase of breakfast products
Different groups of people eat different products There are products for children and those for mature people Also it depends with the climate of the region Culture and health considerations are also factors to consider when allocating the market segments Target market segments for the product
The market segments for this product would be for both hot and cold climate area It can be taken by both young people as well as adults The product is aimed at the middle earning Target market segments for the product
Culture is a detailed examination of the character of a society These are factors based on morality Knowledge and beliefs are important factors People have their own beliefs which are mainly imposed by their cultures and subcultures What people consume depend on the system they were brought up in There are some products which some of us cannot consume due to our faith Cultural and subcultural factors
Culture is something we grow with It is a guideline for us to remain respectful Culture involves beliefs, values and customs Factors which influence consumer purchasing behavior include language, knowledge, laws, religion, food customs, technology and many more Culture is the society’s personality Cultural and subcultural factors
Culture is acquired and we are not born with it There are some people who strictly follow culture due to fear of the society Family is the first unit which teaches us culture Also religion and schools teach us many things about culture Cultural and subcultural factors
Our subcultures include religious groups such as christian, muslim, nationality and child and adilts Factors influencing subcultures include age, gender, region, and social class Consumer behavior changes with age subcultures
Consumers buy different products during their different stages of life Children do not consume similar products as adults Also youths have different preferences as compared to adults Consumer behavior is also determined by age Subculture - age
These are subcultures based on either male or female To a great extent of men’s and women are different The buying habits of men and women differ so much Women may be willing to spend on a given breakfast product while men may not be willing to. Gender
The society is divided into social classes Consumer behavior is affected by social class When a consumer social class changes, consumer behavior is also altered Subculture – social class
This is a strategy by an organization It combines all marketing goals into a single comprehensive plan It involves market research and thorough study of the market Knowing your target market is important Marketing strategy
First market segmentation is important Understanding the effects of demographics and geographic boundaries will help in the marketing The market needs to be well analyzed before coming up with an effective marketing plan Marketing strategy
Some marketing goals are developed Achieve $5.4 million yearly To come up with other flavors of the product Strategic plan To be the best breakfast food choice for all groups of people Marketing strategy
The product should meet the needs of all the consumers Those people who are concerned of health factors, convenience and different cultures People from different geographical zones should be satisfied by the product. Marketing strategy
In conclusion, coming up with a new product is challenging Making the product become a hit in the market is a challenge and it needs planning Purchasing a product depends on demographics, regions among other things. The breakfast market is becoming more and more dynamic There is the need of making sure that people take a healthy breakfast meal. conclusion
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