Applying to Higher Education Andrea Myers Sept 2015
Your Choices After College Higher Education Higher Level Apprenticeship Work Internship Corporate Training Scheme Gap Year
Why choose Higher Education? Increase potential earnings Better career prospects Benefit the wider community Social and cultural reasons More independence, self-confidence and responsibility Personal challenge Broadens interests and knowledge Better health It can be immense fun!
Why Choose Higher Education Over 86% of all young first degree (18-30 year old) graduates were employed, compared to around 60% of year olds with highest qualification at L3 or below. (BIS Internal Analysis (2013) LFS, Q1 2013) Over their working life, the average graduate will earn comfortably over £100,000 more after tax, than a similar individual with 2 or more A levels who does not continue into higher education. (Walker & Zhu, 2013) Graduates are more likely to exercise than non-graduates, and are less likely to be obese (with an average graduate having a 3% lower Body Mass Index compared with a similar individual educated to level 2 or below). nd_the_financial_benefits_of_a_degree__Autumn_05_/p!eXeLcmm nd_the_financial_benefits_of_a_degree__Autumn_05_/p!eXeLcmm
Higher Education Study Options Foundation Degree (FdSc) 2 YearsLevel 5 Undergraduate Degree (BSc, B.A, B.Ed.) 3 YearsLevel 6 Top Up* (BSc. B.A, B.Ed.) 1 YearLevel 6 Masters Degree (M.A) 1-2 YearsLevel 7 Doctorate (PHD)3 YearsLevel 8 * Top up Degree’s are designed to make a Foundation Degree into a Full BSc./BA. Degree
Who are these UCAS people? Central organisation through which applications are processed for entry to higher education. Includes information and services for prospective students and parents including course search, on line application, links to student finance and links to university open day schedules. UCAS
Important Dates Mid June 2015Applicants can register and begin completing their applications Mid September 2015Schools and Colleges can start submitting completed applications 15 October 2015Vet School, Med School and Oxford / Cambridge Deadline 11 December 2015College Deadline for all other Courses 15 January 2016UCAS Deadline for all other courses 24 March 2016Deadline for Art and Design Courses 30June 2016Late application deadline 1July 2016 – 30 Sep 2016 Clearing
The UCAS process Before applying…. Things to consider when choosing a University: Location (City, Town or Countryside). Attend open days: days days Type of Course (FdSc / BSc.) Course Finder: Appropriateness of course to target job: Cost. Consider how you will fund the course: financehttps:// finance Commuting from Home? Rail Card: your-railcard/the-benefits/ your-railcard/the-benefits/ Accommodation on or off campus?
Student Finance If you choose to study in England, your tuition fees are likely to be paid using a Tuition Fee Loan. Tuition fees vary from University to University. The current maximum a University can charge is £9000 a year. On top of your tuition fees, you will need to borrow money to help you with living expenses and accommodation fees (unless you live at home and commute). This can be done with a Maintenance Loan. Both a Tuition Fee and Maintenance Loan will be repayable at a set rate of interest (agreed at the time you borrow) once your annual earnings go over £21,000 a year. They are repayable even if you do not complete your course. You do not repay whilst you are not working or earning below £21,000 a year.
Help and Support Your course Tutor will book a Learning Advisor to come and see you in tutorial time to help you register and set up your UCAS account If you have a dilemma regarding your options, book a guidance appointment with Careers Education Officer If you decide not to go onto Higher Education, there will be ‘Not Going to Uni’ workshops happening later this academic year.