Humpback Whales Jessica Tucker Shayla Garvin 3rd
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Megaptera Noveangline Is the scientific for Humpback Whales They eat Krill At the adult age they are 55 ft long. Humpback whales belong to the Mysticetes group
TheThe humpback Whale live in the Southern Ocean around Antarctica whales take care of their young until they are grown. ItIt is an Endangered Species. OnlyOnly 1250 may be killed each year.
The last whale station closed in 1978 due to the lack of whales, a decline in demands for whale products, and pressure from environmental groups
55 ft 16 ft
Millions of years ago, whales involved from land dwelling animals. The skeletal structures of some whales still have traces of hind legs, and some species of whales still have hair on their heads. From this To this
The muscles of the upper rear legs have become a powerful tail stock, enabling some whales to swim at speed over 20miles an hour.
A nostril, called a blow hole is located on the top of the head, so very little of the animal has to surface to breathe.
The forelimbs of the whales are flippers of varying length, with a bone structure similar to a human arm. From this To this