Fin Whale (Balaenoptera Physalus)
Where Does the Fin Whale Live? The Fin Whale lives pretty much all over the ocean. The whales are usually found in colder waters and they don’t usually like tropical warm waters.
Fin Whales Diet A fin whale usually eats fish, crustaceans, and squid. They also eat a lot of plankton sized organisms.
What Endangered the Fin Whale It was humans that nearly killed all of the Fin Whale in the world. The Fin Whale has no natural predators. The only predators are humans. Also the Fin Whale acts as a host to parasites. Fin Whale are hard to catch, but people found how to kill them.
Interesting Facts The Fin Whale adapted to its environment by the way it is colored. Its dark blue color makes it blend in so its prey can’t see it. They are mostly commonly reported being dead from being hit by vessels. It is a catholic feeder.
Why is it a Butterfly Species? It is a butterfly species because if the fin whales go extinct then the crustacean, fish, and squid populations would rise then they will over populate.
Balaenoptera Physalus." Redlist for endangered species. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 30 Jan Web. 30 Jan Barlow,. "Office Of Protected Resources." NOAA Fisheries. NOAA Fisheries, 5 december Web. 30 Jan Balcomb, K. and S. Minasian The World's Whales. Smithsonian Books. W. W. Norton, New York. Ellis, R The Book of Whales. Alfred A. Knopf, New York. Miller, T The World of the California Gray Whale Baja Trail Publications, Inc. Santa Ana, California. Bibliography