What is H-E-L-P © Highly Enlighten Learning Package is the new mantra for change with strong components and powerful strategic intent which has Energy, Resources and Intelligence at the core of it’s belief to enhance learning
Highly Enlighten Learning Package© And its Components: Highly Efficient Learning Plan © Highly Effective Learning Programme © Highly Engaging Learning Process © Highly Enhance Learning Project © Highly Evaluated Learning Performance © Highly Evolving Learning Protocol ©
HIGHLY ENLIGHTEN LEARNING PACKAGE Highly Enlighten Learning Package will help individuals to create new Intention in their life and lead them to focus on that Intention with Clear Vision - Strong Mission - Concrete Action - Intuitive Passion - Right Decision for a new Destination
HIGHLY EFFICIENT LEARNING PLAN Highly Effective Learning Plan will help individuals to create a clear and compelling vision for their future
HIGHLY EFFECTIVE LEARNING PROGRAMME Highly Effective Learning Programme will then help them towards that vision with a concrete mission
HIGHLY ENGAGING LEARNING PROCESS Highly Engaging Learning Process will construct a concrete Action with the Right Energy, Resources and Intelligence to retain the knowledge design for them
HIGHLY ENHANCE LEARNING PROJECT Highly Enhance Learning Project will be the new blueprint of their intentions powered by the right decision
HIGHLY EVALUATED LEARNING PERFORMANCE Highly Evaluated Learning Performance will be the measurement of their Passion with continuous analysis and evaluation through constructive feedback
HIGHLY EVOLVE LEARNING PROTOCOL Highly Evolving Learning Protocol will evolve with the changes that taking place, create the right learning environment and use the right learning product to empower those who needs to adapt to the changes to realise their potential
CASE STUDY BBuilding factual picture from features of coverage CCreating a define description of the problem DDefining the scenario with a focus on the problem PPresenting a problem statement exposing the barriers of progress
ANALYSIS IIdentifying the challenges, its negative forces and positive forces with their elements TThorough diagnosis to create positive solution with action to facilitates achievement IIn depth analysis of the problem and the issues it is connected with DDefining the desirable process, equating the problem with advancement of knowledge
DESIGN CCreating the positive forces that can facilitates the achievement of solution EEstablish the fundamental strategic intentions for positive solution EExploration of solution with a specific context mapping from the analysis CConstruction of algorism responding the situation with long term positive solution
DEVELOPMENT PPutting effort on efficiency and effectiveness using all Resources, Energy and Intelligence TTo define the potential and benefit of the solution provided and its outcome CCreating a higher balance of insights to influence capabilities and progress of ideas EEncourage challenge to change on agreed solution
EVALUATION Outcomes to equate acquisition of solution with clarity in values IInnovation of resources to balance returned on capital employed FFeedback assessment with priorities on intended outcomes with positive significance DDevelopment of process to explore clear communications from those who oppose its value
DELIVERY EEngagement of Energy Resources and Intelligence to persuade and influence the importance of learning SSupport the importance of communication to manage solution and maintaining momentum FFocus on dialogue that facilitates learning resources and their relationship HHighlight solution purpose and support judgement that advocates intervention
How and why H-E-L-P is Enlighten H-E-L-P Learning Package, Strategy and Belief is design to provide the right Energy, Resources and Intelligence to individual and clarify those needs to equate their challenges for change. Help them to Retain, Recall, Recognise, Review and Realise the knowledge they need to vision success with a balance of Happiness and Achievement. It’ s a new template that can deliver the right learning package that individuals and societies demand.
HUMAN ENERGY The balance of our Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual energy is paramount to Retain, Recall, Recognise, Review and Realise knowledge. Having the right frame of mind leads to a higher level of engagement and increase competence with confidence and a sense of purpose with vision, values and clear visibility. Human powerhouse lack quality energy that have created an energy crisis that needs to be address The biggest energy crisis our world is facing is the Human Energy crisis
RESOURCES We all have different needs, challenges and function to adapt to our living and working environment. We needs to acknowledge the changes our societies demand and develop the talents with the right definitions of our resources to equate our modernity. It’s time to focus more on managing our resources to help in the changes our world and life needs. If we develop and use our resources efficiently we can help to change the world around us
INTELLIGENCE Intelligence are the natural law design to help us involve into our best self govern by the insight of the immerse wisdom of energy to build the inner leadership and create the light of reflection for personal challenges and changes. Intelligence is the strong foundation and its wisdom the brick for conditioning a nation and its people with the discipline of Trust, Forgiveness, Respect, and Sharing with Dignity. These are the creators of a strong society for peace and harmony with vision, values and visibility. Intelligence is the ability to Retain Recall Recognise Review and realise to use knowledge
LEARNING Success requires careful planning with the right Energy, Resources and Intelligence. Learning is an individual process with concept formation for a purpose. Learning experiences change the way of thinking, doing and seeing thing more positively. ‘’Learning is a change of behaviour as a result of knowledge and experience ‘’
Mother knowledge always H-E-L-P those who want to learn and H-E-L-P themselves Knowledge always H-E-L-P those who learn to H-E-L-P others Lets put our belief in Mother knowledge she has always been here to leads us in the light vishwaduth