The family Neisseriaceae & Other gram-negative cocci and coccobacilli 김은빈 _Quiz 김진솔 _PPT 김효정 _Quiz 박지현 _PPT 신주은 _ 발 표 이연준 _Quiz
CONTENTS 01 The family Nesseriaceae 02 Other gram-negative cocci and coccobacilli 03 Quiz
01 The family Nesseriaceae
Gram-negative cocci and coccobacilli Ferments maltose Oxidase(+) Does not ferment maltose Grows on nutrient agar Does not ferment sucrose or lactose Neisseria meningitidis Oxidase(-) Acinetobacter spp. Ferments sucrose; does not ferment lactose Neisseria sioca Ferments lactose; does not ferment sucrose Neisseria lactamica Reduces nitrite Branhamella catarrhalis Does not reduce nitrite Moraxella spp. Does not grow on nutrient agar N. gonorrhoeae
Nesseriaceae Genera in this group : Neisseria, Chromobacterium, Kingella, etc. Residents of homoiothermal animal's mucous membranes Strict parasite in environment Gram-negative Symbiosis N.gonorrhoeae, N.meningitidis ; pathogen
Genus Neisseria Neisseria : Bean-shaped and paired, with flat sides touching flagella and spores, no capsules Gram-negative; fimbriae Aerobic or microaerophilic microorganism oxidative metabolism enzymes for fermenting various carbohydrates, cytochrome oxidase
Genus Neisseria
Neisseria gonorrhoeae =Gonococcus Gonorrhoeae = Gonos (semen) + rrhea (flow) Sexually transmitted disease(STD)
Neisseria gonorrhoeae Factors Contributing to Gonococcal Pathogenicity Fimbriae Protease
Neisseria gonorrhoeae Epidemiology and Pathology of Gonorrhoea strictly human infection sexual transmitted disease not survive long outside the host 10% of males, and 50% of females are asymptomatic
Neisseria gonorrhoeae Epidemiology and Pathology of Gonorrhoea Neonatal infectionGenital Gonorrhoea in the male Genitourinary Gonorrhoea in the femalepelvic inflammatory disease; PID
Neisseria gonorrhoeae Clinical diagnosis and Control of Gonococcal Infections Gram staining → the presence of gram-negative diplococci in neutrophils from urethral, vaginal, cervical, eye exudates Penicillinase-producing N. gonorrhoeae (PPNG) Tetracycline- resistant N. gonorrhoeae (TRNG) drug treatment → cephalosporin & tetracycline, Azithromycin, etc
Neisseria meningitidis =Meningococcus epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis invasiveness; Polysaccharide capsule, adhesive fimbriae, IgA protease 12 different strains of capsular antigens exist stereotypes A, B, and C
Neisseria meningitidis Epidemiology and Pathogenesis of Meningococcal Disease Sporadic or epidemic incidence in late winter or early spring In the nasopharynx college dormitories, military barracks, highest risk group; 6~36months, 10~20years old
Neisseria meningitidis
Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment medical emergency gram-negative diplococcus cultivation, rapid test(capsular polysaccharide, specimen) Penicillin G, Cephalosporin Chloramphenicol - alternative agent for treatment of infections in penicillin-sensitive individuals.
02 Other gram-negative cocci and coccobacilli
Gram-negative cocci and coccobacilli Ferments maltose Oxidase(+) Does not ferment maltose Grows on nutrient agar Does not ferment sucrose or lactose Neisseria meningitidis Oxidase(-) Acinetobacter spp. Ferments sucrose; does not ferment lactose Neisseria sioca Ferments lactose; does not ferment sucrose Neisseria lactamica Reduces nitrite Branhamella catarrhalis Does not reduce nitrite Moraxella spp. Does not grow on nutrient agar N. gonorrhoeae
Moraxellaceae Genera in this group; Moraxella, Acinetobacter, etc. Moraxellaceae
Moraxella spp. Moraxella(Branhamella) catarrhalis oropharynx purulent disease, meningitis, endocarditis, otitis media, bronchopulmonary infections, etc most susceptible group; patients with leukemia, alcoholism, malignancy, diabete, etc
Acinetobacter spp. No motility aerobic gram-negative cocobacilus pportunistic microorganism hospital infection
Q & A
03 Quiz
Quiz 1. Which is not common characters of Neisseria spp.? ① presence of flagella and spore ② Oxidase-positive diplococcus ③ Gram-negative diplococcus ④ aerobic ⑤ capsule
Quiz 2. Detached bacteria from vagina is oxidase-positive and gram-negative. But it can't ferment maltose. What is this bacteria? ① Neisseria gonorrhoeae ② N.meningtidis ③ Neisseria sioca ④ Neisseria lactamica
3. Which is not related with meningococcus? ① presence of capsule and adhesive fimbriae ② Gram negative coccus ③ In the nasopharynx ④ oxidase negative ⑤ Treatment of patient with penicillin G, cephalosporin Quiz
4. Which is not correct about Acinetobacter spp.? ① motility ② aerobic gram-negative coccobacillus ③ hospital infection ④ opportunistic microorganism ⑤ oxidase negative Quiz
5. Which disease is not occurred by N.gonorrhoeae? ① neonatal infection ② bronchopulmonary infection ③ genital gonorrhoea in the male ④ genitourinary gonorrhoea in the female Quiz
6. Which is not correct about Moraxella spp.? ① presence in oropharynx ② purulent disease ③ gram-negative ④ maltose fermentation (+) ⑤ most susceptible group : patient with leukemis, alcholism Quiz
Reference 병원미생물학 / 김종배 외 8 人 / 라이프사이언스 /2012 최신임상진단미생물학 / 김영권 외 11 人 / 라이프사이언스 /2013/1 판 Brock Biology of microorganisms/Madigan 외 7 人 /Addison- Wesley/2008/12 판 미생물도감 / 서울대학교미생물연구소 / 학술정보센터 /2005 FOUNDATIONS IN MICROBIOLOGY/Talaro Chess/ McGRAW- HILL INTERMATIONAL EDITION/2012/8 판
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