Weeds identification control in sports turf Tutor - Barry Dore
What is a ‘Weed’? A weed is ‘_____________________’
What is a ‘Weed’? A weed is ‘plant growing in wrong place’
Daisy - Bellis perennis Spoon shaped leaves that forms basal rosette Flower 2cm - yellow central disc, white petals Flowers March-Oct
Dandelion - Taraxacum officinale Leaf - lobed, narrow, forms basal rosette Deep tap root One yellow flower 3-6cm
Slender speedwell - Veronica filiformis Stalked leaves join stem in pairs Leaves are kidney shaped Flower - blue with 4 petals, 1cm
Yarrow - Achillea millifolium Narrow dark green leaves 5-15cm long Deep taproot, rhizomes Creamy/white flowers
White Clover - Trifolium repens Shamrock shaped leaves (white mark) White flowers Creeping spread
Creeping Buttercup - Ranunculus repens Alternate leaves on stem divided into 3 lobes Flowers have 5 yellow petals Flowers from April- June
Common Chickweed - Stellaria media Rounded stems Bright green, hairless leaves White flowers Five longer green sepals under petals
Common mouse-ear - Cerastium fontanum Stems/leaves softly hairy Leaves opposite pairs along stem Small white flowers with 5 petals
Self Heal - Prunella vulgaris Vertical flower stems Leaves - oval, pointed tips, round bases Flowers heads - small purple flowers
Common Nettle - Urtica dioica Stingy leaf Creeping rhizomes Upright growth Leaves in opposite pairs
Ribwort Plantain - Plantago lanceolata Leaves form basal rosette Lanceolate leaves with 5 parallel veins Ridged flower stalk
Lesser trefoil - Trifolium dubium Leaves - 3 leaflets Small yellow 0.5cm flowerheads Up to 20 individual flowers
Broad leaved dock - Rumex obtusifolius Upright plant - up to 1m Round basal lobes either side of stem Lower leaves - oblong/oval shaped
Procumbent Pearlwort - Sagina procumbens Central whorl of thin grass like leaves Four opening green sepals with tiny white flower Flowers May-Sept
Annual Meadow grass - Poa annua Folded leaf, pale green, with boat shaped tip Tolerates close mowing e.g. 5mm Flowers all year round
Activity 1 – Group discussion 1. Group A – Conditions that encourage weeds 2. Group B – Methods of controlling weeds 3. Group C – Reasons why you control weeds
Reasons for controlling weeds 1. Unsightly on fine turf surfaces 2. Affect playing surface 3. Weeds compete with turf for food, water, light and space, 4. Prevents weeds from spreading
Spread of weeds 1. Some weeds produce seeds – spread by wind, feet, machinery, animals 2. Some weeds creep by stolons and rhizomes
Conditions that encourage weeds 1. Compaction 2. Poor drainage 3. Poor turf maintenance 4. Bare grass swards
Weed Control 1. Physical – physically dig out the weed 2. Cultural – change environment weed is growing in e.g. aeration to discourage Greater Plantain 3. Chemical – e.g. selective herbicides
Cultural Weed control 1. ___________________________ 2. ___________________________ 3. ___________________________ 4. ___________________________
Cultural Weed control 1. Correct turf maintenance e.g. scarifying 2. Install drainage – reduce wetness 3. Reduce shade to encourage grass 4. Aerate to relieve compaction
Activity 2 Collect weeds and bring them back for identification from the poster
Activity 3 Fill in 15 weed identification sheets Finish them off for next week
Self Assessment 1. Name 8 weeds found in turf 2. State 3 conditions that encourage weed growth 3. State 3 reasons for controlling weeds 4. State 3 types weed control