gLite WN Installation Giuseppe LA ROCCA INFN Catania ACGRID-II School 2-14 November 2009 Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia
Overview Pre-requisites Installation of a gLite WN Configuration Testing References Outline 2
Overview The Worker Node is a service where the jobs run. Its main functionally are: – execute the jobs – update to Computing Element the status of the jobs It can run several kinds of client batch system: Torque LSF SGE Condor
TORQUE client The Torque client is composed by a: – pbs_mom which places the job into execution. – It is also responsible for returning the job’s output to the user
Login to Virtual Machine Start SSH to Use the username and password specified in your tutorial worksheet to ssh to your VM E.g.: ssh –X 5
Pre-requisites Start from a base SL4.7 machine with the following rpm groups : –X Window System –Editors X Software Development –Text-based Internet –Server Configuration Tools –Development Tools –Administration Tools –System Tools –Legacy Software Development Please refer to Site_Pre-Installation to prepare and set up your machine for gLite middleware installationSite_Pre-Installation
A general requirement for the gLite nodes is that they are synchronized. Configure the file /etc/ntp.conf by adding the lines dealing with your time server configuration such as, for instance: # Prohibit general access to this service. restrict default ignore restrict mask nomodify notrap noquery server # local clock fudge stratum 10 server Syncronizing…
Edit the file /etc/ntp/step-tickers adding a list of your time server(s) hostname(s) cat /etc/ntp/step-tickers If you are running a kernel firewall, you will have to allow inbound communication on the NTP port. If you are using iptables, you can add the following to /etc/sysconfig/iptables -A INPUT -s -p udp --dport 123 -j ACCEPT You can then reload the firewall : service iptables restart Syncronizing…
Activate the ntpd service with the following commands: # ntpdate # service ntpd start # chkconfig ntpd on You can check ntpd's status by running the following command : # ntpq -p Syncronizing…
Repository settings Configure the repositories as follow: cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ wget \ \ \ \ \ TORQUE_client.repo
Install meta-packages Install Java and the meta-package for the UI yum install glite-WN glite-TORQUE_client java sun- compat Install the CAs and the utils to support the GILDA VO: yum install lcg-CA gilda_utils
Configure Download the “corrected” site-info.def for your server cd /opt/glite/yaim/etc/ wget wget wget Protect your configuration file chmod 600 site-info.def Verify your configuration file source site-info.def
Configure WN Settings for the site-info.def MY_DOMAIN="“ # Human-readable name of your site SITE_NAME=ACGRID-CE- Customize here! # The contact of your site SITE_ =“” Add your here # Hostname of the CE CE_HOST= Customize here! TORQUE_SERVER=$CE_HOST BATCH_SERVER=$CE_HOST BATCH_VERSION=2.3.0 # Jobmanager specific settings. Please, define: # lcgpbs, lcglfs, lcgsge or lcgcondor JOB_MANAGER=lcgpbs # Number of Logical CPUs (cores) of the WN in the SubCluster CE_SMPSIZE=1
Configure WN # torque, lsf, sge or condor CE_BATCH_SYS=torque BATCH_LOG_DIR=/var/spool/pbs_server/logs/ # Space separated list of SEs hostnames SE_LIST=se.$MY_DOMAIN Customize here! # Hostname of the RGMA server MON_HOST=ui.$MY_DOMAIN # Space separated list of VOs supported by your site VOS="gilda euasia" # Prefix of the experiment software directory in your CE VO_SW_DIR=/opt/exp_soft # Space separated list of queues configured in your CE QUEUES="gilda euasia" GILDA_GROUP_ENABLE="gilda" EUASIA_GROUP_ENABLE="euasia"
Configure (cont.) ########## # EUASIA # ########## VO_EUASIA_SW_DIR=$VO_SW_DIR/euag VO_EUASIA_DEFAULT_SE=$DPM_HOST VO_EUASIA_STORAGE_DIR=$CLASSIC_STORAGE_DIR/euasia VO_EUASIA_VOMS_SERVERS="vomss:// oms/euasia?/euasia" VO_EUASIA_VOMSES="'euasia /C=TW/O=AS/OU=GRID/ euasia'" VO_EUASIA_VOMS_CA_DN="'/C=TW/O=AS/OU=GRID/CN=voms.grid.sinica.'" VO_EUASIA_CA_DN="'/C=TW/O=AS/CN=Academia Sinica Grid Computing Certification Authority Mercury' '/C=TW/O=AS/CN=Academia Sinica Grid Computing Certification Authority Mercury'"
Configure (cont.) Configure the /opt/glite/yaim/etc/wn-list.conf Configure WN /opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim –c –s site-info.def \ –n glite-WN \ -n glite-TORQUE_client
Install VOMS cert. Download under /etc/grid-security/vomsdir/ the EUASIA voms host certificate wget and rename this file to
Verify if the pbs_mom is active and if its status is free: root]# /etc/init.d/pbs_mom status pbs_mom (pid 3692) is running... # pbsnodes -a state = free np = 2 properties = lcgpro ntype = cluster status = arch=linux,uname=Linux wn.localdomain 1 Tue Oct 4 16:45:05 CEST 2005 i686,sessions= ,3584,nsessions=6,nusers=1,idletime=1569,totmem=254024kb,av ailmem=69852kb,physmem=254024kb,ncpus=1,loadave=0.30,rectime= Testing
Firewall Settings For further information, see the document info.ports/doc/middleware-ports.txt?revision=1.15&view=markupthe info.ports/doc/middleware-ports.txt?revision=1.15&view=markupthe
References Refer to the following references for more details about required variables of the gLite WN: – info_configuration_variables#WN info_configuration_variables#WN