Virtual LSP workshop 21st century skills in focus Budapest Business School College of Commerce, Catering and Tourism Language Department Asztalos Réka Pál Ágnes
Context of the project: the award- winning 21st century skills in focus programme 1)Intercultural communication training 2)Special course for developing oral skills in English 3)Carrier-planning Course 4)Virtual LSP workshop
Presentation of Virtual LSP workshops I.Why? Expectations II. Project activities - Spanish for tourism & catering - English for commerce & marketing - English for tourism & catering
I. Expectations Objectives and expectations at BBS Meaningful use of ICT Employers’ expectations Students’ expectations Teachers’ expectations
Objectives and expectations at BBS efficiency professional language and content meeting employers expectations state-of-the-art methodological tools virtual learning environments
Meaningful use of ICT NOT ICT for its own sake → added value technology: integral part of the learning process knowledge sharing lifelong learning motivation group work personalised learning
Employers’ expectations foreign languages cooperation and collaboration digital competence presentation skills persuasive skills problem solving skills organisational skills self-reflection
Students’ expectations Interesting materials Listening tasks on my mobile phone Use of resources from the web Work- and time saving solutions Sharing information Illustrations and other tools for learning
Teachers’ expectations Motivation Interesting material Reasonable work investment Use of resources from the web Skills development
Spanish for tourism Spanish for tourism: 3 semesters A2→B2 (4 language skills+professional content) Topics: Spain, Madrid, Barcelona, touristic destinations in Spain, Hungary, Budapest, sports, cultural events, means of transport, types of accommodation, travel arrangements, hospitality, catering, Hungarian and Spanish gastronomy, types of tourism
Examples of group wikis group wiki of third year students of Spanish for tourism group wiki of third year students of Spanish for catering work in progress pilot Spanish group's wiki ( )
Project activities - Spanish for tourism Main project activities: - „Estudiantes en Hungría” (recommendations for Spanish students – examples: 1 2 3) Virtual travel planning to Spain (examples: a, b, group presentation, c) a b c
Other collaborative tasks: taking notes for an article : notes_ article about the tourism in Asturias completing a text with illustrations: a, bab sharing short writing compositions, and correcting each other's (ex. 1,2)12 writing comments on real forums writing comments real forums
members of the group elaborate a common test test students looking up new words in a text creating a common class glossary, creating a common class glossary the use of quizletquizlet they create a list of prepositionsprepositions own initiatives by the students (ex. sharing songs to illustrate grammar content) songs
Virtual classroom – English Project introduction Wikispaces wiki for each class supplement face-to-face lessons first use in computer room home assignments extra tasks personal study
Virtual classroom – English Knowledge sharing individual work shared on the wiki –peer review writing a summary –comments writing a translation –study exam preparation material –example sentences for words
Virtual classroom – English Lifelong learning collection of links to useful websites online dictionaries bilingual, monolingual, professional pages for practicing grammar learning vocabulary quizlet writing a CV and application letters 76% surely - 20% possibly use it for exam preparation 40% will use it for other purposes (job interview, CV)
Virtual classroom – English motivation Student feedback 80% useful 72% recommend it for other groups 44% language improved a lot 44% language improved moderately 44% learned more than without the wiki
Virtual classroom – English group work translation in groups letter writing in groups summary writing in groups Problems not equal distribution of work peer correction not successful
Virtual classroom – English personalised learning personalized evaluation system self-assessment and needed improvement selection of tasks tailored to their needs individual portfolio – extra tasks compensation for lower performance in class 60% improved weaknesses only 24% easy tasks
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Thank you for your attention! Asztalos Réka Pál Ágnes