Hope Allen – Director of Assessment
2 Grade(s)Required TestsSubjects KindergartenQualls ScreenerN/A 1 st and 2 nd GradeIOWA AssessmentMath and ELA 3 rd – 10 th Grade*ACT AspireEnglish, reading, writing, math and science 11 th GradeThe ACTNo writing K-12 English Language Learners receiving ESL services ELPA21Speaking, listening, What test does my child take *Significantly Cognitively disabled students take the MSAA in place of ACT Aspire.
3 “Too many states are saying students are ‘proficient’ when they are not actually well prepared.” By persevering and continuing to implement the standards and assessment, Arkansas can be a leader on the road to closing the Honesty Gap. -The Honesty Gap
4 The ACT Aspire Assessment System ® is a vertically scaled, standards-based system of assessments that monitor student growth and progress in the context of college and career readiness. ACT Aspire Overview
5 The Science Behind ACT Assessments Evidence and Validity ACT Aspire Overview
6 English, math, reading, science, and writing assessments Grades 3–8 and Early High School (grades 9–10) Computer-based testing Connected to ACT College and Career Readiness Standards and Benchmarks, and Arkansas state standards Longitudinal reporting on a vertical scale linked to the ACT ® ACT Aspire Overview Summative Assessments RequiredOptional
7 Interim Assessments English, math, reading, and science assessments Grades 3–10 Computer-based testing Connected to ACT College and Career Readiness Standards and Benchmarks, and Arkansas state standards ACT Aspire Overview Periodic Assessments
8 Classroom Assessments English, math, reading, and science assessments Grades 3–8 Computer-based testing Connected to ACT College and Career Readiness Standards and Benchmarks, and Arkansas state standards ACT Aspire Overview Periodic Assessments
9 Summative Timing in Minutes GradeEnglishMathReadingScienceWriting Early HS Interim assessments are approximately 45 minutes. Classroom assessments are short and efficient. ACT Aspire Features
10 ACT Aspire Features Multiple Item Types Selected Response Items can accurately distinguish students who grasp a basic concept from those who do not. As one component of our assessments, selected-response items can help measure a large amount of content in a brief time. Constructed Response Require learners to use creativity, organizational skills, logic, and content knowledge to demonstrate understanding. Technology Enhanced Any question that takes advantage of computer capability to present material to the student, engage the student in an activity, simulate the creation of information, or otherwise allow interaction not possible in paper mode testing.
11 ACT Aspire Features Accessibility Audio read-aloud, text-to-speech, and verbal descriptions Visual color contrast settings, screen magnification, line reader, and highlighter Cognitive and engagement answer masking American Sign Language (ASL) Closed captioning of video content Braille and tactile graphics Large type paper-and-pencil Second Language Supports: All grades: language support materials Word-to-word dictionary
12 Longitudinal View of Readiness PS English Mathematics Reading Science Writing ACT College Readiness Benchmarks Predicted ACT Score: Grade 9 and 10 Progress toward Career Readiness Indicator: Grades 8 and 10 Post-Secondary Opportunities
13 Goals Measures student growth towards college and career readiness grades 3-10 Identifies early learning gaps to help all students graduate from high school ready for college and career opportunities Remember: One plot on a graph does not define a child. Grades 9 & 10 only
14 Providing transparency & supporting instruction 1.Knowledge & Skills Map – What does the test cover? 2.Exemplar Items – How do I connect the test to instruction? 3.Student Sandbox – How can I get students comfortable with the test? Resources
Knowledge and Skills Maps –ACT has developed subject specific knowledge and skills maps for grades 3-12 to provide an overview of what knowledge and skills are essential at grade level for preparation towards college and career readiness. (This prototype is still in beta testing and is not ready for release to public.) –These knowledge and skills maps provide detailed information of individual key skills under skill families with expanded articulations. –You can access the tool at username: actlabs password: actlabshttp://skillsmap.actlabs.org/ –Once you agree to terms, you should first access the Quick Start Guide located under Resources 15
Quick Start Guide 16
Quick Start Guide 17
Quick Start Guide 18
19 Parent Tab Coming Soon
Helping your Child
Exemplar Item Documentation 21
Student Sandbox (TestNav8) 23 Contains approximately 15 items for each grade and subject Includes mix of Exemplar Items and additional CR, TE, and MC items Provides exposure to different types of items Is neither timed nor scored
24 Student Sandbox
25 How can I help my child? Stay involved Good breakfast Plenty of sleep Encouragement
Review Sample Student Report
Questions?? Hope Allen Director of Assessment Arkansas Department of Education