Further development of ethics teaching How can UNESCO contribute?
bioethicsscience ethics environmental ethics space ethics Theoretical basis of activities capacity building Ethics Education Programme - biennium : East-Central Europe + Latin America - biennium : Asia and Arab region - biennium : Africa EEP
COMEST report of working group, December 2003 Recommendations for building up worldwide competence in the ethics of science
ETHICS EDUCATION PROGRAMME 1.Mapping of existing programs 2. Inputting program descriptions into GEO database 3. Promote international cooperation to create regional and (later) national programs 4. Develop criteria for a core curriculum 5. Evaluating programs and provide certification 6. Fellowship fund, and allocating fellowships to certified programs November 2004: Budapest January 2005: Moscow Spring 2005: Zagreb (?)
Ethics Education Programme Infrastructure mapping of experts in ethics teaching ( GEO) sampling of teaching programs creation of networks of experts establishment of documentation centers (2004: Vilnius) college of UNESCO Chairs UNESCO Chairs in Bioethics in Haifa (2001), Buenos Aires (1994), Njoro (1998), Lima (1999), Granada (1999)
Ethics Education Programme Program development transformation of networks into “schools” dissemination of sample collection of teaching programs establishment of UNESCO chairs advisory body Educational resources Fellowship fund
Ethics Education Programme Advisory Expert Committee - identifying a core curriculum in the area of ethics - developing standards and criteria for evaluating teaching programmes - providing a system of certification of programmes
Division of Ethics of Science and Technology Ethics capacity building education as part of a broader implementation strategy Example: country x almost no ethics infrastructure Project to establish structures for moral deliberation in the country - introduction of ethics courses in medical school programme - creating moral consultation service for physicians - founding of ethics committees in hospitals - establishment of National Ethics Committee
Division of Ethics of Science and Technology Ethics capacity building: promoting international collaboration Example: Masterprogramme for SEE countries European Master in Bioethics Council of Europe: Master programme ‘Health, Human Rights and Ethics’ focus on human rights and basic (public health) ethics regional initiative, disseminating from 1 country to 7 other countries
Master programme ‘Health, Human Rights and Ethics’ Start: Andrija Stampar School of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia April 2005 Introduction into ethics Legal sources and regulatory framework Human rights, health and transition societies Practical skills: writing and presenting November 2005 Health and scientific research Health and society Environmental ethics Practical skills: analysis of protocol and guidelines April 2006 Health policy Professional relationships Ethics and health institutions Practical skills: engaging in public debate November 2006 Genetics, reprodcutive health and public health End of life care Health promotion and prevention Practical skills: teaching ethics Practical skills: writing a scientific paper
Division of Ethics of Science and Technology Ethics Education Programme: what do we want? Initiate- provide models GEO database - regional collaboration: international programs; starting in one country, disseminating to others Disseminate - teaching the teaching - development of materials and resources - UNESCO chairs in (bio)ethics Reinforce - international certification system - fellowship program