Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad
Intro: “Shooting an Elephant” (12 th grade textbook) 1. “George Orwell” & “Before You Read” p Essay: “Shooting an Elephant” p After you read… Define: “Imperialism” Identify: setting, conflict, and epiphany Cite examples: symbolism, metaphor, irony, connotation Identify and explain: Orwell’s theme
Allegorical Title has two meanings: –Literal: AFRICA (the dark continent)— traveling the river into a dark, undiscovered land –Symbolic: the journey up the river is a journey into a man’s dark, evil soul—Kurtz’s
Setting height of colonialism in Africa The FRAME STORY is told in present & past tense –PRESENT: London, England (a boat on the Thames) –PAST: the Congo river, Africa; Belgium
Setting: Present Tense Major characters of the present: –Director of Companies (captain & host) –the Lawyer –the Accountant –Charles Marlowe –Unnamed narrator
Setting: Past Tense Major characters of the past: –Charles Marlowe –the Aunt –the ladies who knit –the Swede captain –the Chief accountant –the Manager (station 2) –Mr. Kurtz –the fiance (the “intended”) –the Russian
Story is told in 3 parts: Part I: Introduction –the Thames –flashback to Brussels –30 days to outer station –10 days in a hut –15-day walk to the Central Station – repair of the steamer (note: narration shift, time shift)
Part II: –Navigating the Congo –approaching the inner station –meeting the Russian –Kurtz found, rumored ill, still not seen
Part III: –the inner station— “The horror! The horror!” –the return to civilization –Marlowe’s account, reaction to the experience –Meeting with fiance
Major Themes Search for self-knowledge The dark side of human nature Corrupting effects of power Good vs. evil Power of nature Civilization vs. savagery Illusion vs. delusion Madness
Symbols White man Heads on stakes Pilgrims The company The river Women
Archetypal Motifs Journey Quest Hero Outcast or clown
Appeared on the AP Test
Marlow’s “Thesis” “…yet to understand the effect of it on me you ought to know how I got out there, what I saw, how I went up that river to the place where I first met the poor chap…”
Discussion Groups #1 Setting – present and past Marlow’s job and how he goes about getting hired What do you know about Kurtz? Two rivers – literal and symbolic purpose Allusions – whited sepulcher / knitting ladies Themes – corrupting effects of power; civilization vs. savagery
“Sepulchral City” Matthew 23:27-28 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men’s bones and everything unclean. (28) In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.”
Is Conrad racist? 21 st century social mores vs. 19 th /early 20 th century culture
Discussion Groups #2 The Russian – appearance, personality, & impression of Kurtz Kurtz’s report: beginning vs. ending Cannibals (ironic?) Themes: –Corrupting effects of power –Dark side of human nature –Civilization vs. savagery
Discussion Groups #3 Marlow’s conversation with the intended Inner station – “ornamental knobs” Marlow’s impression of Kurtz Allegorical nature of the title Themes: –Search for self knowledge –Madness –Power of nature –Civilization vs. savagery