Project financially supported by the European Commission under the Comenius Programme within Lifelong Learning Programme Scoala Gimnaziala nr.1 Saveni
On our way to Poland, we admired our beautiful Romania!
And finally, we arrived! We were anxious to meet our partners!
Our Polish partners gave us a warm welcome!
The Polish students offered some information about Poland and Zabrze
“The Natural Beauty of My Country”
The teachers learnt some Polish and the students made cards
Some images from the Polish school
In Zabrze, we visited many beautiful places: parks, old buildings, a Jewish Cemetery…
…and even a coal mine: Guido!
The swimming lesson
Next, we visited KL Auschwitz I and KL Auschwitz II Birkenau. These historical places really impressed us.
We met the dinosaurs, in Dinolandia…
…and we visited the Cathedral in Wadowice
We learnt interesting things about salt at Kopalnia Soli (Salt Mine) Wieliczka
The wonderful city of Cracow
The students learnt a traditional dance, planted a tree in the Comenius garden, and played a volleyball match with the teachers
It is always difficult to say “Goodbye”!
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