Maxwell’s Equations BY: HARIYANI MITUL ( )
Faraday Extended An emf is induced by a varying magnetic field within a closed path. Magnetic forces will move charges.Magnetic forces will move charges. This implies that a changing magnetic field creates an electric field.
Ampere Extended A magnetic field is induced by an electric current. There is an electric flux as well. Changes create magnetic fieldsChanges create magnetic fields This implies that a changing magnetic field creates an electric field. B field surrounds electric field, although there is no “current” flowing here
Gauss Extended The electric field is due to electric charges. Related to electric flux Electric field lines start or stop on a charge or make a closed loop.
No Monopoles There are no magnetic charges. Magnetic field lines can only make a closed loops.
Electromagnetic Symmetry Maxwell noted the symmetry between electric and magnetic fields. Changing magnetic fields create electric fieldsChanging magnetic fields create electric fields Current and changing electric fields create magnetic fieldsCurrent and changing electric fields create magnetic fields Electric field lines originate from charges or form closed loopsElectric field lines originate from charges or form closed loops Magnetic field lines form closed loopsMagnetic field lines form closed loops These are Maxwell’s Equations
Wave Motion Changing electric and magnetic fields create a wave. Electric field creates a magnetic fieldElectric field creates a magnetic field Magnetic field creates an electric fieldMagnetic field creates an electric field
Speed of Light For a continuous wave the speed is the wavelength compared to the period. For an electromagnetic wave the speed is based on the permittivity and permeability. In the vacuum this is the speed of light c = x 10 8 m/s. 1 wavelength =