Jyväskylä’s energy use in 2012 ● The consumption of energy was 12 % lower than in 2010 ● Energy was mainly used in traffic and district heating ● The main sources of energy production were peat, wood and oil ● Total use of peat has decreased by 40 % since 2010, ● This equals a 26% CO 2 emission decrease from 2010 ● Renewable energy sources accounted for 29 % of the energy used and for 41% in the production of district heating and electricity
Jyväskylä’s main energy sources (2012)
Jyväskylä’s 2012 use of energy
Jyväskylä’s renewable energysources (r.e.s) ● Consumption of renewables has increased by 21 % since 2010 ● R.e.s are mainly used in combined district heating and electricity production ● A very small amount of energy is produced by hydropower
Central Finland 2012 ● Total consumption of energy has decreased from 2010 ● → maily due to decreased use of energy in industry (plant closed) ● The main users of energy were industry (49 %) and district heating (28 %) ● Local energy sources (wood, peat, hydro power) accounted for 52% of total energy used which is slightly lower than in 2010 ● Renewable energy sources made up 42 % of district heating and 68 % of electricity production ● The main, non local, imported energy sources were electricity (24 %) and oil (23%) ● Central Finland was able to produce 28 % of its total electricity comsumption
Energy sources in Central Finland (2012)
Finland´s electricity production 2013 ● Finland’s main sources of electricity production are nuclear and hydro power followed by coal, biomass and peat ● Wind power production is currently negligible but slowly increasing ● There are about 120 power producing companies which operate a total of 400 power stations half of which are hydro power stations ● Almost one third of electricity is produced in combined power and district heating plants