Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (WP 5 - Logistic Plan) Piotr Głowacki Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences.


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Presentation transcript:

Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (WP 5 - Logistic Plan) Piotr Głowacki Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences

The main objectives are an analysis and the resulting establishment of actions and estimation of efforts and costs which are necessary to optimize the logistical functionality of the SIOS infrastructure. The analysis will, in the first place, be based on the existing infrastructure, which then has to be extrapolated to the future operational program planned on Svalbard and its surrounding waters. WP 5 - Objectives

Svalbard includes extensive marine areas, some remote islands (Bear Island, Hopen) and large protected areas that require special logistical attention. We have split the work into separate tasks, addressing infrastructure based on-shore (mostly permanent) and off-shore (involving a larger proportion of periodic activities). WP 5 - Objectives

Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS)

Establish a catalogue of existing (permanent or periodic) research platforms. Determine the platforms' energy and data communication requirements and determine implementation and maintenance costs. Identify supply transport which we are needs on land. Prepare a sea traffic coordination plan (research and transport vessels). Prepare a service, maintenance and supplies optimization plan for the research platforms, possibly including new physical facilities. Create a service and support program for expeditions working in the Svalbard region and in the European sector of the Arctic. WP 5 – Guidelines to the work

WP 5 – 14 partners ( 68 person-months ): Leader: Institute of Geophysics – Polish Academy of Sciences (IGF PAS) Cooperation: Research Council of Norway (RCN) – Svalbard Science Forum Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI) University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung (AWI) National Research Council (CNR) Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute of Roshydromet (AARI) Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute (KORDI) Polar Geophysical Institute – Russian Academy of Sciences (PGIA) Institute of Oceanology – Polish Academy of Sciences (IO PAS) Stockholm University (SU) University of Tromsø (UIT) Institute of Marine Research (IMR)

Time plan

Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (Work package and connection to other groups)

WP 5 – Tasks: Task 5.1 (10 person-months) - Responsible NPI „Analysis and implementation plan of on-land power and data capacity” Time of work: 1 February 2011 – 31 December 2011 Results and dissemination: „Energy and data connection strategies for the four main land- based platforms (including green energy options)” Report - (restricted to other group) Cooperation with: UNIS, IGFPAS, AARI, PGIA, KBAS

More the information on assignments In task 5.1, the current situation at the main land-based platforms with respect to energy and data communication needs will be analyzed. Furthermore, the planned research infrastructure investments will be investigated with respect to their impact on the energy and communication resources. Besides the option of optical fiber data connections, which is viable for some sites, complementary transmission through satellites will be assessed. An action plan with a priority list of actions including innovative solutions causing a negligible environmental footprint will be developed.

WP 5 – Tasks: Task 5.2 (8 person-months) - Responsible AWI „Analysis and implementation plan of off-shore power and data links” Time of work: 1 December 2010 – 31 December 2011 Results and dissemination: „Cabling strategy for the Fram Strait marine and seafloor observatories including a financing plan” Report - (restricted to other group) Cooperation with: NPI, NERC, IOPAS, UIT, SAMS

More the information on assignments Within task 5.2, a specific focus will be the permanent off-shore platforms for which, over the longterm, power and data cabling connections are envisaged. This option is, however, limited to the installations in the Fram Strait, between Longyearbyen and Ny-Ålesund. It covers the HAUSGARTEN seafloor observatory, and the Kongsfjord transect mooring stations.

WP 5 – Tasks: Task 5.3 (12 person-months) - Responsible IMR „Organisation of research vessels” Time of work: 1 March 2011 – 31 March 2012 Results and dissemination: „Research vessel inventory and sailing plan for the Svalbard region ” Report - (public) Cooperation with: NPI, AWI, AARI, CORDI, IOPAS, SU, KSC

More the information on assignments In Task 5.3 we will aim to create a common ship owners' agreement (a declaration of intent) regarding cooperative provision of help with supply transportation, and a simplification of scientist and passenger transport (e.g. unified medical tests, insurance etc.). In order to achieve an optimum coordination of research vessels available within the framework of SIOS, we will identify the existing potential and possibilities for the future (considering vessels under construction, expedition financial plans, international contracts and programs). We will create a vessels traffic database concept in the Svalbard area in order to fully exploit research cruise potential.

WP 5 – Tasks: Task 5.4 (9 person-months) - Responsible IGF PAS „Transport logistics” Time of work: 1 May 2011 – 31 May 2012 Results and dissemination: „General transport assessment and future strategy (commercial and non-commercial)” Report - (public) Cooperation with: NPI, UNIS, CNR, AWI, AARI, KBAS

More the information on assignments Task 5.4 addressed to stronger integration of research based on all the land-based sites in Svalbard and potential multisite research infrastructure access projects will require significantly improved, flexible transport connections between the four settlements that exist today. A second important aspect is that of transport to potential small autonomous sites distributed over the whole archipelago. We will also investigate options of transportation to and from Svalbard, using commercial, supply and research vessels that operate from the Norwegian mainland and European countries.

WP 5 – Tasks: Task 5.5 (9 person-months) - Responsible IO PAS „Optimization of instrument and platform maintenance” Time of work: 1 August 2011 – 31 March 2013 Results and dissemination: „Common supplies and maintenance routines plan” Report - (restricted to other group) Cooperation with: UNIS, CNR, AARI, KBAS

More the information on assignments Task 5.5 will address the development of plans to optimize the maintenance and repair of stations and instruments, including collaborative support, exchange of spare parts, information provision, and collective ordering. A variety of options exist which will be re-use of equipment by successive crews working off the regular stations and periodically off-shore in consecutive periods of time and storage facilities for common equipment. A central workshop facility which would allow the SIOS community to undertake repairs and equipment maintenance, thus lowering costs of transportation and the risk of transportation damage, common ordering of equipment and spare parts.

WP 5 – Tasks: Task 5.6 (7 person-months) - Responsible RCN (SSF) „In-situ support of SIOS visitors and users” Time of work: 1 September 2011 – 30 September 2013 Results and dissemination: „Establishment of SIOS information point (Access to Svalbard)” „Establishment of common hardware facilities, e.g., storehouse, workshop” Concept or prototype - (public) Cooperation with: UNIS, IGFPAS, AARI, KBAS

More the information on assignments Task 5.6 will place a stronger focus on general administrative services which will help visitors to comply with the special regulations they face when undertaking scientific activities in Svalbard. Currently these services are provided by the secretariat of the Svalbard Science Forum. However, we foresee, as a consequence of the much larger infrastructure, and especially the new marine component including many research vessels, a significantly higher level of activity, which will require a major upgrade of the present facility.

SI O S Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System Polish contribution

Polish experience at Svalbard Kinnvika

„The Station on Horsund is a model for a well managed modern European research facility and I am sure that it will contribute in a major way to the International Polar Year and as a key sitre for monitoring climate, Geophysics etc for the coming decade.” Dr Paul Egerton Executive Secretary European Polar Board European Science Foundation “The Governor is very pleased with the modernisation of the Polish Polar Station in Hornsund in recent years, and finds the station to be excellently run and managed.” Per Sefland Governor of Svalbard

Thank you for your attention !
