Which factors helped surgery improve in the 19 th Century? Discuss in your pairs which factors you think were important in helping developments in 19 th Century surgery Which factors were most important? Which factors were less important? Can you link the factors?
Lesson Objectives To evaluate the progress made in surgical developments during the 19th Century To assess the role of different factors in medical developments To analyse exam technique and explain the criteria for different grades
Choose ONE of the important individuals below who influenced developments in surgery during the nineteenth century. James Simpson Joseph Lister What did he do?
How did you do? 1-2marks:Simple answer that shows basic knowledge about the topic 3-4 marksDeveloped answer that explains key points about the topic Mark the answer of the person next to you – tell them one thing they did well and one thing they need to do to improve
James Simpson Joseph Lister Which individually contributed most to the development of surgery during the nineteenth century? Explain your answer. Try to refer to both individuals
8 Mark question – Mark Scheme Level 1 – General answer, simple statements (1-2 marks) Level 2 – Answer comments briefly on several factors to do with development of surgery (3- 4 marks) Level 3 – Answer explains several factors to do with development of surgery using specific details (5 – 6 marks) Level 4 – As level 3 with a conclusion or showing links between different factors (7 – 8 marks)
Home Work! For homework you need to attempt the 8 mark question Technology Individual Brilliance Which of these factors contributed more to developments in surgery during the nineteenth century? Explain your answer, try to refer to both factors.
‘Was individual brilliance the most important factor in the development of surgery in the 1800s?’