BRIDGEWATER RARITAN HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT OF STUDENT SERVICES PRESENTS: Preparing for High School: Parents of Students with IEPs Wednesday January 4, 2012 Where: BRHS Library Media Center Time: 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. (8th grade presentation begins at 7:30)
Tonight’s Presenters Joanne Hashway-Rowe Members of the HS CST BRHS Special Education Teachers BRHS Speech Therapist Students of the Speak-Out Club of BRHS
OVERVIEW OF STUDENT SERVICES AT BRHS STAFF Special Education Teachers: 43 CST: 9 Special Education Assistants: 18 Speech Therapists (2) Transition Coordinator: 1
OVERVIEW OF STUDENT SERVICES AT BRHS COURSES SUPPORTED BY SPECIAL EDUCATION STAFF ICS-Provided in Math, Science, Social Studies, World Language and English RC- provided in Math, Science, Social Studies, English and Study Skills IEP accommodations implemented in all courses, at all levels and in all departments
OVERVIEW OF STUDENT SERVICES AT BRHS PROGRAMS Life Skills Program Class for Students with Autism Vocational Opportunities Work Study – Juniors and Seniors STEP- School to Employment Program Job Sampling on campus and in the community
The Child Study Team Presented by: Andrew Panico, Learning Disabilities Teacher Consultant Kristen Taylor, School Psychologist
Prior to 9 th Grade Decisions to make with your middle school CST team World Language Study Skills Math selections (new end of the year testing requirements) Course selections
Summer Check for summer work in Math, English and other subject areas/levels such as World Language online (through guidance website) Review schedule (check levels & courses) CST case managers are in over the summer for scheduling conflicts
Transition Team Your child is assigned a: Guidance Counselor Child Study Team Case Manager Both of which follow your child through the 4 years Teacher Monitor
Case Managers Role Monitor schedule for appropriate courses Prepare special education documents Hold meetings Facilitate communication between home & school Assist with transition planning & post HS goals Work towards LRE
Student Role Self-advocacy (1 st line of communication = Student-Teacher) Attend IEP meetings Have knowledge of IEP & graduation requirements Completion of Class work & Homework Communicate with teachers, case manager, school counselors Adhere to Deadlines Attend Extra Help for additional support Follow School Rules Attend Daily
Home Role Participate in team decision making Become a partner with the school staff Attend IEP meetings Attend Back to School Night Support student with homework Open communication with staff (staff = first letter of first name then last name ex: Working towards LRE & transition
Special Education Teachers Presented by: Amy Gallagher, Special Education- Math Celeste Gibbons, Special Education- World Language
Special Education Teachers: Deliver accommodations and modifications in the classroom Provide district curriculum at the Academic, Standard and Resource Levels Support general education teachers Maintain ongoing communication Advocate for students
What is a Teacher Monitor (TM)? Responsibilities: Contact parent and student Contact all the teachers in a student’s schedule and notify them of the student’s specific IEP supports Attend IEP meetings and review student progress during IEP meetings
Can parents/guardians contact the TM? TM will introduce themselves to ensure effective communication throughout the school year TM can assist with establishing communication between you and your child’s teachers. Direct communication with content area teachers is most efficient ( copy TM, CST, counselor )
What else? TM will get input from students’ teachers about course selection and recommendations for the upcoming school year
Summer School Work Summer packet work in Math and English is required. Other subjects (Honors levels, World Language, etc.) have summer work that is course specific. We strongly advise you check the website for details and printable packets for specific courses.
Transition from School to Adult Life Presented by: Donna Gallo
Transition Means Focusing on the End Game Work Vocational School Military College (2 or 4 year) Assist your child to develop a plan for Life After High School
Get Involved -- Self Discovery Academics Clubs Sports Work Out of school interests What is your child’s passion? Independence
What Supports Does Your Child/Family Need? After school “extra help” Parental homework support OnCourse & Powerschool Encouragement to stay after school to join a club or sport (Friendships are important) Services from a community agency Family support or counseling
Speech and Language Services Continues provision of services in active IEP Therapy, re-evaluations, classroom recommendations and support systems Initial evaluations upon staff referral Student passes issued in homeroom Pull-out services done during electives Pre-voc and curriculum content based
BRHS Speak Out Club Students Providing answers to the questions you and your 8 th grader should be asking.
What’s next? Between now and the end of the year… 8 th Grade Parent Meeting 8 th and 9 th Grade Teacher Meeting CST Case Manager Meetings MS IEP Meetings and Course Selection Thank you for attending and we will look forward to working with you and your student.