His most disastrous defeat left him weak His enemies were quick to act up against him: Britain, Russia, Prussia and Sweden joined forces against him Austria even declared war on him despite his marriage to Marie Louise (from Austria) ∴ all the main powers were at war against NB The Invasion of Russia
October 1813 : Napoleon raises a full army w/in a few months and meets the allied group of powers in Leipzig, Germany NB’s army untrained and ill prepared for battle The allied world powers quickly defeat NB January 1814 they were closing in on Paris By March : Frederick William III of Prussia and Czar Alexander I of Russia attacked Paris and won Napoleon Suffers Defeat
April 1814 – NB’s generals refused to continue fighting and he had to surrender Gave up his throne Napoleon was given a small pension and was exiled to Elba Allies expected to be done with NB…they were wrong! Napoleon Accepts Defeat
Louis XVIII assumed role as king in 1814 Louis XVI’s son died in prison New king unpopular among peasants b/c they suspected him of wanting to undo the Fr. Rev’s land reforms NB hear that he was unpopular ∴ he decides to try and escape Elba succeeded and returned to France March 1, 1815 Crowds welcomed + celebrated him Immediately he raises an army of volunteers and assumes role as emperor again Napoleon Returns!
The European allies quickly gather their forces The British army, led by the Duke of Wellington prepared for battle in Waterloo, Belgium June 18, 1815 the Battle of Waterloo began British were joined by the Prussian forces and after 3 days they chased NB’s army from the field This defeat ended NB’s last attempt at power Known as The Hundred Days b/c it literally lasted 100 days. The Hundred Days
Great Britain not taking any chances this time Sent him to St. Helena a remote island in the South Atlantic Napoleon Exiled a Second Time
Lived in St. Helena for 6 years until he died of a stomach ailment Napoleon’s defeat opened the door for all of the newly freed countries to determine what their new gov’ts would look like Napoleon at the End