Notes # 7 German East Africa
After Assassination June 28: Serbian terrorists assassinate the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. July 28: Austria declares war on Serbia, Russia, Serbia's ally, gets ready for war (mobilizes)
August 1 st : Germany declares war on Russia to help Austria. Ottoman Empire allies with Germany. Italy, originally an ally of Germany, declares its neutrality (not fighting yet). August 3 rd : Germany declares war on France, which is an ally of Russia. August 4 th : Germany invades France and Belgium, England, an ally of France, declares war on Germany.
German West Africa 13 September 1914 – 9 July 1915 After an initial unsuccessful invasion by British forces from South Africa, German troops, overconfident, invade British South Africa, and lose terribly, allowing the British to counter attack and take over all of German West Africa.
German East Africa 3 August 1914 – 25 November 1918
???What would you do???
General Paul Von Lettow Vorbeck Europe is where most of the fighting will take place. If the Germans in East Africa can cause as much chaos as possible, then they may be able to divert a lot of needed men and material that would help the allies in Europe.
The Germans begin fighting a guerrilla war (hit and run, commando). The allies, British and Belgium, send more and more troops to fight the small, cut off German force in East Africa. When the Germans start to run out of their own land in East Africa, they simply invade the Belgian Congo (Belgium Territory). As the chase continues, the massive allied army still cannot defeat the small German army.
Still fighting, the Germans in Europe officially surrender on November 11, Word of the surrender reaches East Africa, and the Germans in Africa officially surrender on November 25, 1918.
German Navy Several German ships added to the allied frustration around Africa, as they targeted allied shipping, like transport and war ships. The two main ships, SMS Emden and SMS Konigsberg were feared in the Indian Ocean. Both had many ships sent out after them, and both were sunk.
On a separate sheet of paper How clever was the German’s strategy in East Africa? Could you identify another time in history, or even more modern of an event, in which such tactics were employed?
Notes # 8 The Middle East
Campaign for Gallipoli 25 April 1915 and 9 January 1916 In an attempt to aid Russian forces fighting against the Ottoman Empire, British forces, backed by ANZACS (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) invade the island of Gallipoli.
After almost a year of fighting, the British forces abandon the island, and are not able to aid their Russian allies. The British who fought there, head towards Europe to help fight the more important battles going on there.
Fighting in the Middle East For hundreds of years the Ottoman Empire controlled the many different tribes of the Middle East. The British, Christians, had long since wanted to liberate (Free) Jerusalem, the most Holy of sights for Christians.
The British not only sent a regular army to fight against the Ottoman Empire, but used Guerrilla war tactics (hit and run, fast attacks) by using the different tribes of the Middle East to fight against the Turks. Their leader, an officer in the British Army, forever became known as Lawrence of Arabia. Through his exploits, the Ottoman Empire was easily defeated. This forever changed the Middle East.