Sports Officiating Review Basketball
Definitions/Terminology 1.A violation occurring when a player with the ball takes a step without dribbling (moving the established pivot foot). 2.A violation in which an offensive player remains within the key for more than three seconds at a time. 3.A violation that occurs when the offensive team returns the ball into the backcourt once it has positioned itself in the front court. 4.A personal foul that the official judges to be premeditated. 5.Also called the “free-throw lane” or “lane;” the area measuring 12 feet in width and extending from the free-throw line to the end line. 6.A basket scored on any shot other than a free throw, worth two or three points depending on the distance of the attempt from the basket. 7.A violation that occurs when a player dribbles the ball with two hands simultaneously or stops dribbling and then dribbles again.
Definitions 1.A personal foul committed when an offensive player illegally contacts a defensive player who has established position or is stationary. 2.Also called “palming;” a violation committed by a dribbler that involves placing the dribbling hand under the ball and momentarily holding or carrying it while dribbling. 3.The boundary line behind each basket; also called the end line. 4.The use of a defender’s body position to illegally prevent an opponent’s advance; the opposite of charging. 5.Minor contact usually overlooked by officials. 6.A quick dribble directly to the basket in an effort to score. 7.The mid-court line over which the offensive team must advance the ball from the backcourt within 10 seconds to avoid a violation. 8.A foul that does not involve contact with an opponent; a foul that involves unsportsmanlike conduct by a player, coach or non-player; or a contact foul committed by a player while the ball is dead.
Definition Answers Page 1: 1.Traveling 2.3 Seconds Violation 3.Backcourt Violation 4.Intentional Foul 5.The Key (Paint) 6.Field Goal 7.Double Dribble Page 2: 1.Charging 2.Carrying 3. The Baseline 4.Charging 5.Incidental Contact 6.Drive 7.10 second line (half court) 8.Technical Foul
Rule #1 “Court Dimensions” 1.The “Free Throw” line is how far from the basket? 2.What are the “Ideal” dimensions for high school age basketball court? 3.The “Free-throw” lane is how wide? 4.The upper edge of the basket ring (the hoop) is how high above the ground? 5.How much space(in feet) is there from the baseline to directly under the basket? 6.How far is the 3pt. line to the center of the basket? 7.What is the diameter of the basket ring?
Rule #1 - Dimensions Answers 1.15 ft ft. x 50 ft ft ft. 5.4 ft. 6.19’ 9” 7.18 inches
Rule #1 1.How thick does the padding need to be that covers the backboard edges? 2.What are the 3 things that must be visible to players and coaches during game play? 3.A basketball must have the NFHS authenticating mark in order to be used in a high school basketball game. True or False?
Rule #1 Answers 1.1 inch thick 2.Game Clock, Scoreboard and Possession arrows. 3.True
Rule #2 1.What are the two type of officials that are on the court? 2.If there are 3 officials, how many referees and how many umpires should there be? 3.Who are two other people who are responsible for helping the on-court officials? 4.What are 3 of the 5 things that the officials are responsible for inspecting prior to the start of the game? 5.During the game, officials are responsible for a “silent count” in 4 situations…name 2. 6.An official can penalize what 5 parties for an unsporting conduct penalty… name 3. 7.When an official calls a foul, what 2 things must the official indicate to the scorer’s table using his/her fingers? 8. What must an official do if he/she notices a player who is exhibiting signs, symptoms or behaviors that are consistent with a concussion? 9.An official must remove a player from the game who commits how many personal fouls?
Rule #2 Answers 1.Referees and Umpires 2.1 Ref – 2 Umpires 3.Scorer and Timer 4.Court, Basketball, Baskets, Backboards, Signals (w/ scorer and timer) 5.Throw-ins, free-throws, backcourt and closely guarded rules 6.Player, coach, substitute, team attendant or follower. 7.# of the offender and # of free throws 8.Immediately Remove Player 9.5 personal fouls
Rule #3 1.True or False. A player must check-in with the official scorer prior to entering the game as a substitute? 2.What two locations must your number be present on your uniform? 3.True or False. Only the coach or team captain can request a time out? 4.True or False. If the referee deems a player’s hair or fingernails to be a safety concern, he/she has the right to not permit the player from participating in the game. 5.If a substitute checks in with the scorer at the scorer’s table to replace player A1, what are the only two circumstances that the substitution would not be able to take place during the next whistle stopping play?
Rule #3 1.True 2.Front and Back 3.False – Any player can. 4.True 5.Jumping for a jump ball; Shooting free throws
Rule #4 1.Illegal personal contact which impedes the progress of an opponent with or without the ball. 2.When a player touches the ball during a field-goal attempt while it is in its downward flight and has a chance of going into the basket, it is called ___________________. 3.Illegal personal contact caused by pushing or moving into an opponent’s torso. 4.Do teams warm-up on the basket that is on the same half or opposite half of their bench? 5.A team will be awarded an opportunity for a “bonus free throw”, only if they make the 1 st free throw, after a team commits their ______ foul of the half. 6.After a team commits ______ fouls, the “bonus free throw” or 2 nd free throw attempt is guaranteed regardless of whether the player makes the 1 st shot or not. 7.A player foul which involves illegal contact with an opponent while the ball is live, which hinders an opponent from performing normal defensive and/or offensive movements. 8.A personal or technical foul of a violent or savage nature. 9.Can be direct or indirect – usually a noncontact foul. Assigned to the coach in both cases. 10.A personal or technical foul that is a foul and are based solely on the severity of the act.
Rule #4 Answers 1.Blocking 2.Goaltending 3. Charging 4.Opposite 5.7 th, 8 th and 9 th Personal Foul 8.Flagrant Foul 9.Technical Foul 10.Intentional Foul
Situations 1.If the table officials agree that the quarter or extra-period expires prior to a foul occurring, the foul should be disregarded unless it is considered to be one of what two types of fouls? Answer: Flagrant or Intentional
Situations The umpire observes player A1 traveling, and at the same time player A1 goes up to shoot while being illegally contacted by player B1. Player A1 misses the shot. What is the correct course of action? Answer: Once player A1 commits the traveling foul, the ball becomes dead and thus the foul in which occurred following the traveling infraction is nullified. Team B receives possession of the ball.
Last Situation Cont’d The umpire observes player A1 traveling, and at the same time player A1 goes up to shoot while being illegally contacted by player B1. Player A1 misses the shot. Only traveling is called… Unless what type of fouls? Answer: Flagrant or Intentional
Situations Player A1 is along the side-line and puts up a shot and makes it, but when he/she lands, he/she has one foot out-of-bounds. What is the call on the court? Answer: The basket counts, and a the player is not penalized for landing out of bounds. Player A1 may return to the court and resume play without any consequences.
Situations Player A1 takes a shot from just inside the 3 point line. The ball appears to have a good chance of going in the basket. As the ball is on its way down toward the basket, defensive player B1 jumps up and blocks the ball from going in. What is the call on the court? Answer: Goaltending What is the result of the call on the score of the game? Answer: Team A is awarded 3 points