Facilitating Support of Transformative & Interdisciplinary Research at NSF SBE Advisory Committee Cliff Gabriel November 2008
Working Group on Facilitating Transformative & Interdisciplinary Research (FacTIR) BIO Jim Collins Judith Verbeke BFA Jean Feldman Vernon Ross CISE Suzi Iacono Sankar Basu EHR Joan Ferrini-Mundy Linda Slakey Reid Schwebach ENG Kesh Narayanan Sohi Rastegar Bill Shultz GEO Sonia Esperanca Richard Behnke MPS Deborah Lockhart Nigel Sharp MPS Deborah Lockhart Nigel Sharp OCI Abani Patra OIA Cliff Gabriel Jim Lightbourne OLPA Marc Rothenberg OPP Neil Swanberg OISE Mark Suskin SBE Rita Teutonico Julia Lane
3 NSF Approach to PTR Infuse support of Potentially Transformative Research (PTR) throughout NSF and all its programs Learn how to facilitate PTR Lead the community through opportunities for PTR proposal submissions
4 Transformative Research Working Definition Transformative research involves ideas, discoveries, or tools that radically change our understanding of an important existing scientific or engineering concept or educational practice or leads to the creation of a new paradigm or field of science, engineering, or education. Such research challenges current understanding or provides pathways to new frontiers.
5 Transformative Research Working Definition (cont’d.) Transformative research results often do not fit within established models or theories and may initially be unexpected or difficult to interpret; their transformative nature and utility might not be recognized until years later.
6 Transformative Research Working Definition (cont’d.) Characteristics of transformative research are that it: –Challenges conventional wisdom, –Leads to unexpected insights that enable new techniques or methodologies, and/or –Redefines the boundaries of science, engineering, or education.
7 Potentially Transformative Research (PTR) Intellectual Merit Review CriterionModified Intellectual Merit Review Criterion (done) GPG documentationComplete GPG documentation for RAPID and EAGER funding mechanisms (done) trainingRecommend training modules for NSF program officers and division directors (done) communicationDevelop FAQ and tools for communication to the community tracking mechanismsRecommend tracking mechanisms for PTR proposals
8 Current SGER Mechanism Internal Review only Limits: $200,000 for up to 2 years 6 month extensions/$50K supplements Up to 5% of program funds in a given FY (FY07: $35M or 0.6% of NSF program funds used but this varies by directorate; SBE was 0.4% ($1M)
9 EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) Exploratory work in its early stages on untested, but potentially transformative, research ideas or approaches partReplace part of SGER –“High Risk-High Payoff" Radically different approaches, new expertise, or novel disciplinary or interdisciplinary perspectives (up to $300K for 2 years)Budget consistent with project scope and existing programmatic activities (up to $300K for 2 years) Only one of the ways NSF supports PTR
10 More EAGER Program Officer approval needed: appropriateness PI needs to convince appropriateness for EAGER submission Vs “regular” NSF proposals with optional external inputRequire internal review/with optional external input 5-8 page project description No cost extensions/supplements -- existing NSF policies
11 Grants for Rapid Response Research (RAPID) Rapid release of funds and expedited merit review partReplace part of SGER –having a severe urgency with regard to availability of, or access to data, facilities or specialized equipment, including quick-response research on natural or anthropogenic disasters and similar unanticipated events
12 More RAPID Budget consistent with project scope and existing programmatic activities (up to $200K for 1 year) with optional external inputRequire internal review/with optional external input 2-5 page project description No cost extensions/supplements -- existing NSF policies
13 Benefit of EAGER/RAPID Vs SGER Separates two very different functions within SGER clarity –Provides increased clarity Provides more flexibility invites –Explicitly invites PTR proposals as EAGER external input –Optional external input –Existing NSF policies on extensions/supplements awarenessIncreases awareness –To the community –Within NSF
14 Interdisciplinary Research(IDR) FacTIR’s focus is on “unsolicited” IDR proposals. Recommendations along the following three lines: 1)reinforcing NSF commitment to IDR; 2)Making technical adjustments to NSF’s processes/systems; and 3)identifying internal resources to help POs handle cross-boundary and IDR proposals.
15 Next Steps for FacTIR Finalize Recommendations Brief SMaRT Finalize Report (December) Brief NSB (February) Congressional Report