Islam is established and it’s influence spreads and grows.
The religion of Islam emerged on the Arabian peninsula in the 600s. Muslim civilization eventually created cultural ties among diverse peoples across three continents. By the 1500s, the Mughals, Ottomans, and Safavids dominated the Muslim world. 4
Around 610 A.D. Mohammed began to hear words of God through angel Gabriel 622 A.D. Hegira (Medina) 632 A.D. Mohammed dies and first Caliphate begins 700s A.D. Umayyad Dynasty spread Islam but were stopped at Battle of Tours 732A.D. A.D. Abbassid Dynasty ruled over a Golden Age. 900 A.D. Seljuk Turks migrate into Mid-East. A.D. Mongol leaders invade the Mid-East. A.D. Delhi Sultanate in India. 1398 A.D. Tamerlane invades India. 1453 A.D. Ottoman empire takes Constantinople A.D. Mughal Dynasty. A.D. Safavid Dynasty in Persia.
Muhammad said he heard the angel Gabriel calling him to be the messenger of God. Muhammad devoted his life to spreading Islam. Muhammad made a journey from Mecca to Medina, where he was welcomed by Muslim converts. This was a turning point for Islam called the hegira. Muhammad returned to Mecca, destroyed the idols in the Kaaba, and worked to unite Arabs under Islam. 4
Islam is monotheistic, based on the belief in one God. Muslims believe that the Quran contains the sacred word of God and is the final authority on all matters. All Muslims accept five duties, known as the Five Pillars of Islam: faith (There is only Allah and Mohammed is prophet) daily prayer (5 times a day facing Mecca) charity (almsgiving to poor or % tax) fasting during Ramadan (no food or drink during day) hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca (once in life if able) Islam arose in the Arabian Peninsula and became one of the world’s major religions. 4
Sunni Muslims Caliph should be chosen by community and is simply a leader NOT a religious authority % today are Sunni Shiite Muslims Caliph should be a descendant of Mohammed’s or his daughter and Husband Fatima and Ali % today are Shiite
Set up dynasty that ruled until 750 Conquered lands from Atlantic to the Indus Valley Relied on local officials to govern the empire Faced economic tensions between wealthy and poor Arabs Had a “tax” on non-Muslims encouraging conversions Overthrew the Umayyads in 750 Ended Arab dominance and helped make Islam a universal religion Empire of the caliphs reached its greatest wealth and power Muslim civilization enjoyed a golden age UMAYYADS ABBASSIDS These powerful caliphates (dynasties) ruled the Islamic world. 4 In the 900s the Seljuk turks invaded the Middle East weakening the Abbassid Caliph and in 1258 the Mongols robbed and destroyed Baghdad killing the last Abbassid Caliph at the time.
Physicians and Pharmacists had to pass a test before they could practice. Muhammad al- Razi studied measles and smallpox. Ibn Sina wrote a medical encyclopedia. Surgeons developed treatment for cataracts. Al-Khwarizmi observed eclipses. Astronomers calculated the circumference of the Earth to within a few thousand feet. Scholars studied Indian and Greek mathematics. Al-Khwarizmi pioneered the study of algebra and wrote mathematics textbook that became standard in Europe. Calligraphy is the art of beautiful writing. Artists worked Arabic script into and verses of the Koran into building decorations, rugs, etc. MEDICINE ASTRONOMY MATHEMATICSCALLIGRAPHY 4
In the 1100s, Muslim Turk invaders entered northern India and organized a sultanate, or land ruled by a sultan. Delhi Sultanate A.D. many Hindus converted to Islam and when the Mongols raided Baghdad many left for Delhi, India and it flourished. Hindu + Muslim Culture blended. Tamerlane invades Northern India in Mughal Empire A.D. One ruler, Akbar the Great, stopped the taxing of Non-Muslims, appointed Hindus of all castes, and married a Hindu. Later his grandson Shah Jahan had the Taj Mahal built as a tomb/memorial for his wife. 4
Poets produced works in the Turkish language. Painters produced detailed miniatures and illuminated manuscripts. The royal architect Sinan designed magnificent mosques and palaces. Society was divided into four classes, with “men of the pen” and “men of the sword” at the top. Non-Muslims were organized into millets, or religious communities. Suleiman had absolute power. Ottoman law was based on Sharia. The Ottomans recruited government and military officers from conquered people. ARTSSOCIETY GOVERNMENT 4
centralized government created a powerful military force strengthened the economy tolerated non-Muslims and valued their economic contributions used a mixture of force and diplomacy against the Ottomans forged alliances with European states built a magnificent new capital at Isfahan supported the growth of Persian culture The most outstanding Safavid shah, or king, Abbas the Great revived the glory of ancient Persia. During his reign, he 4