The Regional Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands (LADA) Workshop for Southeast Asia Bangkok, Thailand 27 – 30 April 2009
Table of Contents Table of Content 1. Cambodia Background 2. Land use type in Cambodia 3. Forestry in Cambodia 4. Wetland 5. Soil erosion 6. Sedimentation Reduction 7. Root cause of land degradation
Cambodia Background Cambodia located in S-E Asia Area: 181,035 Km 2 Climate tropical monsoon Rainfall 1,200 mm
Cambodia Background Population 14 million Gender rate F 51.8% Growth rate 2.5% 85% of the population lives in rural areas 24 provinces
Land use type in Cambodia Land Use TypeHaLand Use TypeHa Rice field3,163,000Woodland and scattered trees 1,266,100 Field crops372,600Shrubland1,094,000 Swidden agriculture349,700Grassland861,600 Village garden crops198,300Flooded shrub533,200 Receding rice and floating rice field 194,000Flooded grassland173,500 Rubber plantation88,300Barren land27,200 Urban and built-up areas18,100Sand terrain7,500 Orchards8,800Rock outcrops1,800 Salt evaporator6,100Perennial water Body91,100 Evergreen broad leafed forest 3,922,638Mangrove64,900 Deciduous forest3,549,993Marsh or swamp44,600 Mixed forest from evergreen and deciduous species 1,429,007Flooded forest20,600
Cultivated Agriculture Land Use: 3.5 Million Hectares (2007)
Forest cover statistic 2006 NoForest TypesArea Ha% 1Evergreen forest3,668, Semi evergreen forest1,362, Deciduous forest4,692, Others forest1,007, Total forest land10,730, Non forest7,429, Total Area18,160,
Forest Cover Change from NoAssess ment by year LandTotal Area (ha) Forest LandNon Forest Land Ha% % ,227, ,883, ,110, /9310,859, ,293, ,152, /9710,638, ,514, ,152, ,104, ,056, ,160, ,730, ,429, ,160,674
Forest Cover (2002)
Wetland wetlands are found around the Tonle Sap Lake and along the Mekong River and its tributaries The total wetlands area 0.5 million ha in the dry season to 5 million ha in the wet season The Tonle Sap Lake area 250,000 ha to 1,000,000 ha and up to 1,350,000 ha The surface of the lake from 2,700 km² to 16, 000 km²
Soil erosion soil erosion also being threaten in some regions throughout the country, in particular to terrain and steep slope areas where the logging activities been taken heavily
Wind erosion There is no data recorded in regard with deposition of soil particles in the valleys and/or plain in Cambodia
Water erosion Cambodia the areas that prone to mass movement located along the steep slop of Mekong, Tonle Sap and Prasac Rivers, these landslides are belong to the natural phenomenon weather and strong water flow.
Sedimentation Reduction Erosion is part of natural and results in sedimentation, which can have positive effects, such as fertilizing the soils, and negative effects such as making a lake shallower
Root cause of land degradation the major root causes of land degradation are soil erosion, deforestation, seasonal drought caused by inappropriate land use, poor agricultural activities and gemstone mining activity.
Generalised Distribution of Soil-Fertility Classes
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