:::physical geography of east asia::a rugged terrain::
KUNLUN MOUNTAINS Mountains located in the west of China that are the source of two of China’s great rivers, the Huang He (Yellow) and the Chang Jiang (Yangtze). The Kunlun Mts. overlook friends enjoying a cool dip.
HUANG HE RIVER Also called the YELLOW RIVER, starts in Northern China in the Kunlun Mountains and winds east for about 3,000 miles, emptying into the Yellow Sea.
CHANG JIANG RIVER Also called the YANGTZE RIVER, the longest river in Asia, flowing about 3,900 miles from Tibet to the East China Sea.
TYPHOON A tropical storm, like a hurricane, that occurs in the Western Pacific.
GOBI DESERT A desert located in northern China and southeast Mongolia, and a prime area for finding dinosaur fossils.
THREE GORGES DAM A dam begun in the late 20 th century on the Chang Jiang in China, to help control flooding, generate power, and allow ships to sail further into China.
LANDFILL A method of solid waste disposal in which refuse is buried between layers of dirt in order to fill in or reclaim low-lying ground.
:::human geography of east asia::shared cultural traditions::
DYNASTY A series of rulers from the same family (such as the Shang Dynasty).
CONFUCIANISM A movement based on the teachings of Confucius, a Chinese philosopher who lived about 500 B.C.; Confucius stressed the importance of education in an ordered society in which respects one’s elders and obeys the government.
Named for the book Tao-te Ching, based on the teaching of Lao-tzu, who lived in the sixth century B.C. He promoted harmony for both the individual and the universe.
Came to China from India. Based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha (Enlightened One).
The countries surrounding the Pacific Ocean, including the countries of East Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, and the western coast of the United States.
The largest city in South Korea—its population exceeds 10 million.
The largest city in North Korea—its population is 2.5 million people.
Japanese term meaning “one who guards.” The samurai served as a bodyguard of warriors loyal to the leader of a clan.
:::today’s issues—East Asia::
A chain of volcanoes that line the Pacific Rim.
A huge wave with great destructive power. Caused by underwater earthquakes and volcanoes.
Nations depending on one another for good and services.
Workplaces where people work extremely long hours for little money in poor conditions.