WHAT ARE ‘SATS’? At the end of Key Stage, 2 statutory testing in reading, spellings, grammar, punctuation and mathematics takes place in order to assess pupils’ progress during the Key Stage against nationally agreed criteria. It provides a ‘snapshot’ of pupils’ attainment, providing secondary colleagues with comparative data on each Year 7 pupil. The SATs tests must be administered to all Year 6 pupils who meet certain criteria (based on prior attainment).
SUPPORT FOR PUPILS If necessary, specific access arrangements for pupils who would normally receive additional support to access the curriculum have already been arranged with the authority. This includes: Additional Time to complete tests Designated ‘readers’ for all tests Testing in 1:1 situations, if appropriate Use of short ‘rest breaks’
TIMETABLE OF TESTING DateTestTime Monday 9 th MayEnglish Reading Test9:30 – 10:30 Tuesday 10 th MayEnglish Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Test Paper 1: Short answer questions Paper 2: Spellings 9:30 – 10:15 11:00 – 11:30 Wednesday 11 th MayMathematics Paper1: Arithmetic test Paper 2: Reasoning 9:30 – 10:00 11:00 – 11:40 Thursday 12 th MayMathematics Paper 3: Reasoning 9:30 – 10:10 Friday 18 th May
ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY I cannot stress the importance of pupils’ attendance and punctuality during the week of testing enough. Non-attendance or poor punctuality during the week may disadvantage pupils. They will be expected to sit the tests upon their return and will need to be kept completely separate from their classmates until testing is complete. Please ensure children arrive at school promptly, having had a good breakfast and an early night!
PREPARING FOR THE TESTS Pupils in Year 6 have already experienced test conditions during ‘mock tests’ in class. They have discussed strategies for tackling certain question types and addressed any shared concerns or confusions. Pupils will have the opportunity to ask for advice or support in specific areas during Study Clubs, which will be very specifically tailored. Pupils will be involved in the marking of their own tests in the lead up to SATs so they are more aware of what is expected of them. The tests are designed to assess knowledge and skills taught throughout Key Stage 2.
SUPPORT FROM HOME Without doubt, pupils who achieve best in these tests are those who have had support and opportunity to prepare for the tests at home as well as at school. Accessing past test papers. Additional reading and responding to texts of different types. Practise of mathematical skills and concepts, including times tables, calculations, basic conversions of measurements etc. Working to specific, timed deadlines.
REPORTING TEST RESULTS Additionally to the attainment of pupils during these tests, teacher assessment is also submitted to sit alongside the test results. Both of these assessments will be available to secondary colleagues. You will be informed of pupils’ tests results and teacher assessments within the end of year report to parents (shared just prior to our final parents’ evening).
SECONDARY TRANSFER ARRANGEMENTS Secondary colleagues will visit pupils here at Lightmoor. Pupils will be invited to attend ‘transfer’ or ‘taster’ days at their secondary schools (you should be informed by your secondary schools directly). Any relevant information/paperwork we hold on your child will be passed on to secondary colleagues through a central transfer of records system. I will liaise with secondary colleagues directly, to discuss friendship groups, specific interests, additional needs etc. A ‘Graduation Assembly’ will take place at the end of the academic year (with details to follow, closer to the time). An ‘End of year 6 Celebration Evening’ will also take place at the end of the academic year.