Homeless Team Presentation Morgan Kingston Homelessness Caseworker Homefinder Team
Joint initiative between South Tyneside Council and South Tyneside Homes Your Choice, Homelessness Team, Good Tenant’s Scheme and Health and Housing Team - all under one roof Drop in service for anyone with issues regarding re-housing 1-2 Charlotte Terrace, South Shields Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, 8:30-5 and Friday 8:30-4:30 Homefinder
5 tests of homelessness 1.Eligible? 2.Homeless or threatened with homelessness within 28 days? 3.Priority Need? 4.Intentionally homeless from last settled accommodation? 5.Local connection?
Homeless prevention First objective is always to prevent homelessness Advice regarding rights in different types of housing Negotiation with landlord/ lender/ parents Family mediation Involvement of Citizen’s Advice Bureau Work with Environmental Health Department regarding disrepair Mortgage Rescue Scheme Private rented sector often through Good Tenant’s Scheme Supported accommodation
Homeless investigations Need to verify if someone passes or fails all of the 5 tests Request information from applicant Request information from landlord/ lender etc Request information from police. social services, probation etc Guideline of 33 working days to complete investigations
Not owed full homeless duty Assistance into private sector Supported housing Direct access accommodation such as hostels Band 3 for no priority need but unintentionally homeless Work with social services if children involved
Owed full homeless duty Need to ‘discharge’ duty as soon as possible normally by offering housing association or council property but soon will be able to offer private rented Normally given band 1 priority with your choice which gives customers preference for housing association and council properties 12 weeks- free to bid for 6 weeks, if not offered anything within this time homeless team can place bids Can offer assistance with private lets Have duty to provide one ‘suitable’ offer of accommodation Can ask for review of any offer on grounds of suitability
Service improvement Improved provision for young people- improved working relationship with other agencies Re-possession prevention fund New Your Choice policy
Any questions Morgan Kingston