Child Sexual Exploitation is a form of sexual abuse that involves the manipulation and/or coercion of young people under the age of 18 into sexual activity in exchange for things such as money, gifts, accommodation, affection, or status. The child or young person often does not recognise the coercive nature of the relationship and does not see themselves as a victim of exploitation. WHAT IS IT?
CHILD SEXUAL EXPLOITATION Some children/young people show little or no signs, and some may display indicators for other reasons. Generally, a change of behaviour should make us question what is happening in the child’s life. WARNING SIGNS
CHILD SEXUAL EXPLOITATION Is your child…? Repeatedly going missing, particularly overnight. Coming home with unaccounted gifts, ie clothes, money, food, jewellery, drugs, mobile phone. Having a relationship with an older partner. WARNING SIGNS
CHILD SEXUAL EXPLOITATION Is your child…? Displaying mood swings and changes in behaviour. Excessively and secretly using the internet and/or mobile phone. Being unusually secretive. WARNING SIGNS
CHILD SEXUAL EXPLOITATION Is your child…? Losing contact with family and friends of their own age and associating with an older age group. Arriving at home in unrecognised cars, especially at strange times. Being unusually hostile. WARNING SIGNS
CHILD SEXUAL EXPLOITATION Is your child…? Misusing alcohol or substances. Coming home with unexplained injuries. Lacking self-esteem. WARNING SIGNS
CHILD SEXUAL EXPLOITATION Is your child…? Washing or bathing excessively, particularly when returning from missing episodes. Getting repeat sexually transmitted infections, becoming pregnant and having terminations. Mentally unwell. WARNING SIGNS
CHILD SEXUAL EXPLOITATION Is your child…? Self-harming or having suicidal thoughts. Absent from school/showing a deterioration in quality of schoolwork. Persistently committing criminal offences. WARNING SIGNS
CHILD SEXUAL EXPLOITATION Low self-esteem or self-confidence. Living in a chaotic or dysfunctional household (including parental substance misuse, mental health issues, parental criminality). Lack of friends in the same age group. WHAT MAKES A CHILD MORE AT RISK?
CHILD SEXUAL EXPLOITATION Unsure about their sexual orientation or unable to talk about it to their family. History of domestic abuse. History of neglect. History of familial child sexual abuse. WHAT MAKES A CHILD MORE AT RISK?
CHILD SEXUAL EXPLOITATION Learning disabilities. Associating with young people who are sexually exploited. Suffered recent bereavement or loss. Homelessness. WHAT MAKES A CHILD MORE AT RISK?
CHILD SEXUAL EXPLOITATION Living in residential care. Are a young carer themselves. WHAT MAKES A CHILD MORE AT RISK?
CHILD SEXUAL EXPLOITATION Places where young people congregate or can be easily accessed by offenders: Shopping centres/arcades Cafes/takeaway food outlets Alcohol outlets/pubs/clubs Public parks/car parks LOCATIONS OF CONCERN
CHILD SEXUAL EXPLOITATION New technology means new opportunities are presented for social interaction which increases the potential for offenders to target victims. Technology can facilitate sexual exploitation of children. Where abusive images have been posted on or shared via the internet, there is little or no control over who can access them. This can lead to repeat victimisation. INTERNET AND SOCIAL MEDIA
CHILD SEXUAL EXPLOITATION GPS on mobile devices can be used to identify where photos were taken, which may increase the risk to the victim. A young person may be persuaded to post images on the internet and these can be used as a bargaining tool by offenders. These can lead to intimidation and threats of violence as methods of coercion. INTERNET AND SOCIAL MEDIA
CHILD SEXUAL EXPLOITATION has lots of information to enable you to seek the right advice from the right people. Safeguarding is everyone’s role – if not you, then who? MORE INFORMATION